The old o/r mapper question



Just an update to see what O/R Mappers you guys recommend. LINQ is
coming out soon but i'd really like to standardize on something at my
company. Some O/R Mappers i've already looked at or used in the past:

- NHIbernate
- NetTiers
- Paul Wilson's ORM
- IdeaBlade
- Thona's Entity Broker (I absolutely REFUSE to use this because the
developer is so arrogant and abusive on forums)

Does anyone have any suggestions other than the ones above?


Anyone else with something USEFUL to add? ;)

Seriously though, maybe i should specify. What i'm looking for is an
O/R Mapper that provides the following:
- Should let you build the Object Model seperate from the Database.
Ideailly i would like something that let you generate the database from
your model, but with the option to generate objects from an existing
legacy database.
- A decent UI
- Built in Code Generation (i'm tired of going to Codesmith to regen my
- Support for inheritance and polymorphism
- Support for pre-fetches or JOINS (if i'm getting a list of the top 30
Orders, I should be able to get their related Customer objects in the
same query)

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