


I have a spreadsheet that has the names of employees, customer ratings and
customer satisfaction. I need to be able to count the number of times that
certain employees names appear, the number of positive ratings and the number
of times a customer said that they were satisfied. HELP! I need formulas that
will allow me to calculate each of these functions seperately. Thanks.

Bernard Liengme

You have missed out a lot of necessary detail so I will make some
Suppose your worksheet has:
names of employees in A2:A100,
customer ratings in B2:B100 ( 1 to 5 with value of 3 or more being
"positive rating")
and customer satisfaction in C2:C100 (yes/no)

1) =COUNTIF(A2:A100,"Mary Jones" ) tells how many times Mary Jones appears
OR if cells K2:K10 have employee names then in L2 enter
=COUNTIF($A$2:$A$100, K2) and copy down to column

2)=COUNTIF(B2:B100,">=3" ) tells how may times the rating is 3 or more

3) =COUNTIF(C2:C100,"Yes" )

If these are helpful, tell us more about the layout of your worksheet and
someone will show how to find how many times Mary Jones earned a 3 or more
score. etc

Also tell us what Excel version as Excel 2007 has some formulas not
available in earlier versions
best wishes

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