Testing for security rights



I have a macro that is called from a switchboard. Runs fine, does everything
I need. My problem is security. I only want people with admin rights to be
able to run these macros. Is ther a way that security rights can be testd in
a macro? I would like for the first step to be the test and if user is is not
authorized, exit macro. Right now the first function puts out a message
'Error in executing this command' and than exits macro. I would like to be
able to send message that 'User does not have permission to run macro'
Any help appreciated.


Create security form which comes up as soon as the database is started, and
then based on the user/password hides/shows items on the switch board.

Private Sub password_AfterUpdate()
If Me.password <> " " Then
If (Me.user = "1" And Me.password = "0") Or (Me.user = "2" And
Me.password = "2") Then
passwd = 1
Me.Command6.Enabled = True
End If
If (Me.user = "3" And Me.password = "3") Or (Me.user = "4" And
Me.password = "4") Then
passwd = 2
Me.Command6.Enabled = True
End If
If (Me.user = "5" And Me.password = "5") Or (Me.user = "5" And
Me.password = "5") Then
passwd = 4
Me.Command6.Enabled = True
End If
DoCmd.ShowToolbar "Form View", acToolbarNo
DoCmd.ShowToolbar "DataBase", acToolbarNo
If (Me.user = "W" And Me.password = "A") Then
DoCmd.ShowToolbar "Form View", acToolbarYes
passwd = 1
Me.Command6.Enabled = True
End If
Me.user.Value = " "
End If
End Sub

Now add the something like this in the switchboard code

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
If passwd > 1 Then
' Me.Command36.Enabled = False
If passwd > 2 Then
Me.Command29.Enabled = False
Me.Command30.Enabled = False
Me.Command26.Enabled = False
Me.Command19.Enabled = False
Me.Command23.Enabled = False

If passwd > 3 Then
Me.Command25.Enabled = False
Me.Command18.Enabled = False
Me.Command42.Enabled = False
Me.Command57.Visible = True
Me.Command58.Visible = True

End If
End If
End If
If Now >= Me.TIME1 Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "warning"
End If
End Sub

I hope it helps.



Thanks, with slight modification it looks like it will do the job.
I appreciiate the work you put into the resolution. It was more than I
though it would take.

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