Terminal services not showing all data


Luke Bellamy

Hi - I have a weird issue. If I open my mde on a local machine and view data
in a datasheet all values show.
For some reason when I use terminal services some values in the datasheet
are not appearing. Furthermore,
I have a listbox where the text dissappears but you can still click on
invisible entries and all functionality works.
If I click around on a few windows things sort of re-appear but not in their

The environments I see this issue on is:
Windows Server 2003 Std Ed. SP2
Running Acc RT 2000

Now if I setup this scenario and just use the remote desktop and "terminal"
into my other XP machine
everything shows fine. So it possibly something with the Windows 2003

I've tested a few versions of the RDC client. I also tested a couple of
versions of msaccess.exe incase
it was a bug with the local RT.

I'm out of ideas so any input appreciated.


Tom van Stiphout

On Fri, 19 Sep 2008 21:11:54 +1000, "Luke Bellamy"

Could perhaps be an issue with a bad video driver or a service pack
not being loaded, but it is not an Access issue.

Microsoft Access MVP

Tony Toews [MVP]

Luke Bellamy said:
Hi - I have a weird issue. If I open my mde on a local machine and view data
in a datasheet all values show.
For some reason when I use terminal services some values in the datasheet
are not appearing. Furthermore,
I have a listbox where the text dissappears but you can still click on
invisible entries and all functionality works.
If I click around on a few windows things sort of re-appear but not in their

This almost sounds like a Win 95 problem when the OS ran out of some
system storage areas. Back then I was running Win 95 under OS/2
Warp for A2.0 work as that was a lot more efficient. I was having to
reboot Win 95 every hour or so.
I'm out of ideas so any input appreciated.

Like Tom I'm thinking is some kind of weird TS issue and not an Access

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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Luke Bellamy

Thanks Guys... much appreciated.
I'm no closer to solving this but heres some more findings:

1. I can replicate the issue when I TS to SBS 2003 SP2.
2. If I click around on the cells in the datasheet then data starts to show
3. If I implement a me.repaint then the list box seems to show all the
entries (see initial
message for the list box invisible entries). BUT this is not 100%.
4. Again, running locally (and not TS) its fine.

Investigating last windows update is my only lead right now.

Thanks again,

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