templates from Office Online



hi community

any help much appreciated on this problem...?

I m using Word 2007 and at the New Dcoument dialog box, I clicked the
Template Category under the 'Microsoft Office Online',
but it cannot be connected to the Microsoft Site
with error saying....
"Unable to connect to Microsoft Office Online"....
all the while I am connected to internet??

is it due to any configuration problem???
if it is, how do i amend it ?

thanks community for the assistance :)


I have the same problem. Upon inspection of firewall logs I dont see any
blocked websites. Will try same computer on different internet connection
with different firewall and we will see what happens. I'm supprised noone has
answered this post it seems to be a fairly common issue.


thanks Danowolf for replying
I did contacted the Microsoft Help desk local however the problem still not
this sort of problem does not exist on every pc because I did encountered
that when clicked the Microsoft office online template from Application
itself, it did
connected to Office Online, guess probable the configuration of Firewall or
something similar that cause the error

now, what i did is to "give up" using the Template online via the
Application and if
i do want additional template, i logged into the Microsoft Website and
download from there :( :)

thanks again for replying


also to community

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