Telnet 110 Not Working


Phil Aldridge

I cannot connect to my isp to download emails. It says cannot connect to
pop3 server. I can ping the pop server but cannot Telnet <servername> 110.
I get a connect failed error.

All the other users in my lan can telnet the ISP Pop server no problem.
Hence they have no problem downloading emails. The computer with the
prioblem could connect until this afternoon. I do not remember making any
setting changes.

Computer is Win XP Pro SP2. Maybe the auto updates ran today.

Scott Moseman

Have you tried to reboot this particular computer?
I have solved the same problem with a reboot. As
long as it is not a spyware port hijack, which would
make the resolution more complicated.

As for the reboot fixing the problem, I would like to
know what causes the issue to begin with. Reboots
are not really an appropriate long-term solution.


Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

Phil said:
I cannot connect to my isp to download emails. It says cannot
connect to pop3 server. I can ping the pop server but cannot Telnet
<servername> 110. I get a connect failed error.

All the other users in my lan can telnet the ISP Pop server no
problem. Hence they have no problem downloading emails. The computer
with the prioblem could connect until this afternoon. I do not
remember making any setting changes.

Computer is Win XP Pro SP2. Maybe the auto updates ran today.

Are you running any third-party firewall software? (the XP firewall doesn't
block any outbound traffic at all)

This is really a better question to post in an XP newsgroup as it's a
networking/OS question. Also include more detail (can you surf the web? Can
you telnet on port 25 to your outbound/SMTP server?). Try
microsoft.public.windowsxp.network_web for a good place to start.

Brian Tillman

Phil Aldridge said:
I cannot connect to my isp to download emails. It says cannot
connect to pop3 server. I can ping the pop server but cannot Telnet
<servername> 110. I get a connect failed error.

All the other users in my lan can telnet the ISP Pop server no
problem. Hence they have no problem downloading emails. The computer
with the prioblem could connect until this afternoon. I do not
remember making any setting changes.

Computer is Win XP Pro SP2. Maybe the auto updates ran today.

Make sure you're not running a firewall that is blocking outbound access to
port 110.

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