Telephone numbers disappear on web pages



It is normal and good. It also affect your own PC only because you got Skype active on your monitor.
Close Skype so it's not appear in monitor BUT still ready for uses and hiding in Task Bar. It is GOOD
because Skype can distinguish what country the telephone numbers are and put a country flag, uses Skype
to call -- very cheap.

No need to get rid BUT if you wish -- just uninstall Skype.
Jul 3, 2008
Reaction score
0800 numbers

JWBH said:
Thanks to all.

My browser is Internet Explorer 7 and mail browser is Outlook Express 6.

Some examples below of the sites where the telephone numbers disappear
(usually within 10 seconds or so).

store locator for sainsburys

store locator for Asda

But now everything is working, I think it was just temporar technical problems. I like this site, it provides a lot of useful information. I found out that 0870 numbers became unpopular now and that everyone prefers 0800 numbers as they are free. If your business relies on staff members travelling throughout the country then 0800 numbers - free phone numbers can be an inexpensive and sensible choice. Having the opportunity to engage with your staff without worrying about the cost of a phone call can be a weight off your mind.
Jun 8, 2009
Reaction score
Hi There,

Are you using Skype?

If yes, the problem will be with the Skype Mastermind add on. I had the same problem and disabling the mastermind add on prove to be a fix. D

Disable it by going to IE tools\Manage Add-ons\enable-disable add-ons.

Select Skype (mastermind) and choose 'disable'.

You can always enable it again if you wish.

I hope this helps.

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