



I'm having something of a problem with Windows XP. I
want to configure the toolbar a certain way and have
those changes stick. For instance, I don't need the
search assistant, so I right click on the toolbar, remove
the checkbox, and it's gone, but after I reboot, I have
it again! Also in the quicklaunch taskbar I have the
icons in a certain order, with the icons that I want
showing showing. Again, when I reboot, they get
scrambled. How can I make these little adaptations
lasting? I mean, it's little stuff, granted, but, as
with many other humans, there are some occassions in
which I would like to have everything be just so, and not
have to go through the process of rearranging everything
all the time. Thanks in advance!



Hi Alex,

Search Assistant is spyware, do some cleaning.

For Quick Launch:

Quick Launch: Gives error message, Cannot Create Toolbar

Either download the .reg or .vbs from here or run my utility listed below it
to correct.
Note: If you already have my utility downloaded, you will need to
re-download for the added fix.

Cannot Create Toolbar - Quick Launch (Line 296)

Taskbar Repair Tool Plus! Quick Launch - Repair

Quick Launch: Won't remain checked/present nor retains the sort order

Either check your settings here:

Go to Start/Run/Regedit and navigate to this key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon.

In the right pane under Userinit, Change the key to read:

Or download and run the reg file on line 263 (right hand side)

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