Taskbar Toolbars



Subsequent to reinstall of OS (ME) I cannot get Quick
Launch toolbar or desktop icon on Taskbar. I understand
this item is a function of IE 4.0. How can I restore
toolbar and desktop icon without reinstall of IE 4.0?


Press WindowsKey+D (or d) to minimize...
Then press WindowsKey+D (or d) to restore...
Copy and paste these five lines into Notepad.
Save as Show Desktop.scf
Drag/drop to your "quick launch" bar next to start button
Download and run this edit...
Restore/Add Show Desktop to Quick Launch (Line 61 right
How to make a "show desktop" shortcut...
Search for the file named showdesktop.scf in your
computer by
logging in as administrator. Every user has a copy of
this file. Copy it to
your userprofile path here:

c:\Documents and Settings\<<YOUR USER NAME>>\Application
Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch
Check the recycle bin, if it is there just r-click and
choose restore. Drag
it back to the task bar. If two icons appear, r-click and
delete one. See if
the remaining one works, if it does you can delete the
one in RC bin, if
not, go back to the RC bin and restore the icon. Sounds
strange but, I've
had it work that way.
MVP Doug Knox:

Robert Aldwinckle

press WindowsKey+D (or d) to restore...

DUh. I have always used Win-Shift-M to unminimize.

Thanks for the tip. Much easier.

Robert Aldwinckle

Robert Aldwinckle

JAM said:
Subsequent to reinstall of OS (ME) I cannot get Quick
Launch toolbar or desktop icon on Taskbar. I understand
this item is a function of IE 4.0. How can I restore
toolbar and desktop icon without reinstall of IE 4.0?

Is this what you are referring to?

<title>KB165695 - How to Add or Remove Windows Desktop Update</title>

Notice that your OS is not mentioned there.

I think that IE5.5 is a base for your OS. Therefore you wouldn't be able
to use that procedure anyway.

Did you upgrade another OS to install Windows ME?
There are some articles about that case.

However, I suspect that this article should help solve your problem.
Note the link to KB190355 which unfortunately is not indexed for your OS.
It is similar to the suggestions made by the other poster.

<title>KB262088 - Description of the "Show Desktop" Feature in Windows</title>

(MSKB Boolean search for
"Quick Launch" AND KBwinMEsearch


Robert Aldwinckle

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