Task Mngr/ Regedit/ MSconfig Trouble



I read and tried methods to get my task manager/ Regedit and MSconfig to work
because I get "Task manager/ regedit/ Msconfig disabled by administrator". I
am the admin, and I think it's caused my a virus.
I tried scanning for virus and spyware etc, but my computer is clean.
But I tried many methods suggested on the discussion groups forums but they
seem to work temporarily. When I restart the computer the same messages
appear. It's a really annoying problem! I hope someone can please help me.


Thanks for the help, but I have read that in the other posts regarding to
this issue but I have tried that before many times.
I did try it again but like i said it only helps restore Tskmgr/ Regedit/
msonfig temporarily. When I restart it happens again.
I tried scanning for virus, spyware... no luck.
Thank you

Wesley Vogel

Make sure that you have the latest update for your antivirus software and
run a full system scan.

Also this might help, go here and read the instructions...

xp_emegencyutil.exe - Creates usable copies of REGEDIT, MSCONFIG and Task

Creates MSConfig1.exe, Regedit.com and Taskmgr1.exe in...

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


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