Tables -columns, with angled text at top


Mike R-Oz

I am looking at a standard order form which I see as a
table - cloumns , rows BUT at the top of the table above
one of the colums there is a angled line - say 45 degrees
to the right from the left corner of the top of the colums
and another line angled off from the top of the right of
the column top and inside the two lines is text that
relates to the column - usually product details or such --
HOW do I do these lines and have the text work at the same
angle , parralell with them??

Jay Freedman

Hi, Mike,

Word can't do that. It can put diagonal internal borders in a cell,
but you can't rotate the text by anything other than 90 degrees left
or right.

Excel can do what you want, though. And if you need this in Word, you
can embed a section of an Excel worksheet in the Word document.

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