Table as source for combo box




I have a field called 'event area'. I'm using a table with two columns as
the source for combo box to populate this field in a data entry form. The
first column is 'Event' and the second column is 'Area'. The problem I'm
having is when I select the record in the combo box, it fills the field with
data from the first column of the table 'Event' rather than the second
column 'Area' and that's incorect. A sample of the table follows:

Diving Board
Diving Starter
Diving Lanes
Swimming Judge
Swimming Timer

Earlier in the form, the user selects and what I'd really like to do is
limit the choces in the combo box only to those applicable to the event
rather than all choices - this would allow me a one column table rather than
two; however, I've been unsuccessful in my attempts to make this work.

Bottom line:

2 questions:

1. How do I get the value of the second column of the record chosen in a
combo box to be the field value rather than the 1st column?

2. Can I dynamically populate the choices displayed in the combo box
based on the entry of a field (a combo box) selected on the same form or is
that not possible because the record is not yet committed?

THX a million for your assistance. I've read until I'm blue in the face and
have tried a bunch of different things unsuccessfully and now am spinning my


Jeff Boyce


A couple of options...

One option would be to modify which column in your combobox source is the
"bound" column (and using Column Width to display only that); or
Using cascading comboboxes ... first combobox picks EVENT, then requeries
second combobox, which lists AREAs with EVENT = what was selected in first

Good luck!


Jeff Boyce

Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Microsoft IT Academy Program Mentor

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