System Hangs when "Saving Your Settings"



Hi -

Lately my Win2k Pro installation has been hanging when I shutdown my computer. It reaches the "Saving Your Settings" part of the shutdown and then it pauses for about a minute. I can remember finding an article online about this and it said to remove a certain security update, but I didn't document it and the problem has crept up again. Any ideas?


Hi -

Lately my Win2k Pro installation has been hanging when I
shutdown my computer. It reaches the "Saving Your Settings"
part of the shutdown and then it pauses for about a minute.
I can remember finding an article online about this and it
said to remove a certain security update, but I didn't
document it and the problem has crept up again. Any ideas?

Don't delete security updates.
I found SP4 solved the shutdown issue.
Before SP4 I used a logoff and logon script to disable/enable
the printer spooler, this was the workaround to shutdown

Logoff script in:
@echo off
net stop spooler /y

Logon script in: \WINNT\system32\GroupPolicy\User\Scripts\Logon
@echo off
net start spooler

Run: gpedit.msc
Local Computer Policy>User Configuration>Windows
Settings>Scripts (Logon/Logoff)
Double click the Logon and Logoff entries in the right pane to
point to your scripts.

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