Sync 2 combo boxes where one of the combo box has a value list



I have a combo box "Multi-Homing Enabled"that is unbound, its set to
value list (Yes;No)
and table named "No. of LMG" (also unbound.)

o If user selects Multi-Homing Enabled asNo, NumOfLMG should equal to
o If user selects Multi-Homing Enabled asNo, NumOfLMG should equal to

I'm new to access and need help in doign this, can anyone Please help?

Damon Heron

Your post is confusing...
The first combo box has only yes/no as choices? I suggest using a checkbox
instead if you only have two choices, saves a mouse click and is just more
logical. The second combobox is bound to a table called NumOfLMG? You say
it is unbound, but that can't be if it has a table as source.

So, if I were doing this, I would have a checkbox (named Check1 in example)
with a label caption "Check if yes". On the click event, put:

If Check1 Then
'write code to set your field NumOfLMG to 1
'write code to set your field NumOfLMG to 0
End If

Since I am not sure what you meant in your question, that is as far as I can
take you until you explain further what you are trying to accomplish.


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