Switchboard Minimized

  • Thread starter Thread starter Beeyen
  • Start date Start date


Good Day,

I have a database with a Switchboard and on the Switchboard; I have four
command buttons that open various forms, also a couple other not relevant.
When I execute a command button a form opens and the Switchboard minimizes.
If needed, I have an option on each of my forms to exit out and open the
switchboard. I have two questions actually:

1. Is there a way to set or code the switchboard to close when executing a
command button on the Switchboard?

2. Is it possible when placing the MDB in the windows startup group for the
MDB, which opens up to the Switchboard, to minimize upon opening?

Thanks for any assistance in advance.
I'm not sure why you'd want the switchboard to close when another form
is opened from it. A more usual approach would be to hide it, which
you can do by putting:

Me.Visible = False

in its Deactivate event procedure. Note, however, that this will also
hide it if you switch from form view to design view, but you can
unhide it from the Window | Unhide menu (or whatever the equivalent is
in 2007). To show it again you'd set the form's Visible property to
true, e.g. in the Close event procedure of a form opened from the
switchboard with:

Forms("Switchboard").Visible = True

Again, why would you want it minimized on opening, but you can do so
by putting:


in its Open event procedure.

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England
Good Day Mr Sheridan,

Thank you for responding to my questions.

I have users, most with a mixture windows skill set. So I am trying to
accommodate all with the lowest possible denominator and most user friendly

The database we are using will be opened continually in a minimized state
throughout the day. Currently, when a user turns their computer on they get
a Novell screen that opens up with a large number of applications. This
Novell screen will be going away; else, I would have the Access MDB included
here. The MDB FE copy resides on the desktop of each user and when the MDB
is executed, it starts up to the Switchboard, the user then selects their
data entry form depending on the position level (Coordinator, Senior
Coordinator, Lead, etc). When the form is opened in the current manner the
Switchboard and the Form show in the windows taskbar; to eliminate confusion
as to which they should select after working in another application, I would
like somehow to have the switchboard not show in the taskbar to lessen the
confusion selection. I would like them to be able to select the Form located
in the taskbar, it comes up and to work they go.

I would like to have the Access MDB with Switchboard open in the window
startup and minimize to the taskbar without user intervention. Then when
selecting the MDB in the taskbar, it comes up with the Switchboard, they
select the right command button and the Switchboard closes.

Ultimately, as I familiarize myself with security, I may not have a
Switchboard, but somehow associate the right form and the correlating rights
with the position through the user ID. This way the MDB would continue to
reside in the windows startup group, and the right form based on the user ID
would be automatically initiated and minimize to the taskbar, ready for use.

Hope this helps, somewhat and Thanks again
I would
like somehow to have the switchboard not show in the taskbar to lessen the
confusion selection. I would like them to be able to select the Form
in the taskbar, it comes up and to work they go.

Simply turn off the "windows in task bar" option. You only EVER get one
entry in the taskbar...


simply un-check the windows in taskbar option....

Thank you

Albert D. Kallal said:
I would

Simply turn off the "windows in task bar" option. You only EVER get one
entry in the taskbar...


simply un-check the windows in taskbar option....