Sweet & simply - how do I enable a macro? - MANUALLY



running excel 2k;

All I want to know, is how do I enable a macro.
I don't care if the sheet opens & ASK's if it's OK to enable macros -
I want to know how to do MANUALLY - whatever the "yes" answer to that
question is doing?

What pulldown / button do I access to enable macros?

And PLEASE don't tell me I have to lower my security! ;-)

So - in sum - I want to manually enable macros without taking my
security off high.
I've searched help (yes, I actually try this first, I don't know why -
I almost never get an answer I want); searched the groups, found
nothing that addresses this seemingly simple question.

TIA - Bob

Jim Thomlinson

Look at digitally signing your project. Other than that there is not much you
can do except (I know you don't want to hear this) lower your security to
medium. That is the whole point to the medium security level... To give you
the option to enable macro's...




TX much; appreciate your reply!

yep; nothing I like less than telling a user to lower security - way
too scary!
But you did answer my question, and the answer is, can't be done.
(not the way I want it done anyway:)

it seems that dig sig would then be the only solution. this is fine
for me, but not for the [above]-average user that writes their own

I've never digitally signed anything, so I'll look into that... assume
I can create my own certificate - this is all internal use type

TX again!

Gord Dibben

You can create a dig sig for your computer using the MS Office SelfCert Tool.

The key cannot be exported to another computer.

See more on this in Excel Help>digital certificate

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP



TX much; appreciate your reply!

yep; nothing I like less than telling a user to lower security - way
too scary!
But you did answer my question, and the answer is, can't be done.
(not the way I want it done anyway:)

it seems that dig sig would then be the only solution. this is fine
for me, but not for the [above]-average user that writes their own

I've never digitally signed anything, so I'll look into that... assume
I can create my own certificate - this is all internal use type

TX again!

Look at digitally signing your project. Other than that there is not much you
can do except (I know you don't want to hear this) lower your security to
medium. That is the whole point to the medium security level... To give you
the option to enable macro's...



Terrific! biggest problem in finding stuff w/ ms, is knowing where to
search, and what to search for ;-)

Didn't know you could do this.... great to know!

TX again!

You can create a dig sig for your computer using the MS Office SelfCert Tool.

The key cannot be exported to another computer.

See more on this in Excel Help>digital certificate

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


TX much; appreciate your reply!
yep; nothing I like less than telling a user to lower security - way
too scary!
But you did answer my question, and the answer is, can't be done.
(not the way I want it done anyway:)
it seems that dig sig would then be the only solution. this is fine
for me, but not for the [above]-average user that writes their own
I've never digitally signed anything, so I'll look into that... assume
I can create my own certificate - this is all internal use type
TX again!

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