SVCHOST eating up all whole CPU!



Ive got a 2.0Ghz P4 with 1Gig RAM and 160GB HDD with XP
Home. Lately my pc has become very slow and when i check
the processes on the windows task manager, there are
several svchost.exe loaded and one of them is taking up
98% of CPU usage. When i end that process, pc
restarts..What could be the problem..? WHat can i do?

Andre Cruz


Probably you have a virus, trojan or worm in your system... try running the
anti-virus to check for virus...

Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

It's perfectly normal to have several instances of Svchost.exe
running simultaneously.

A Description of Svchost.exe in Windows XP;en-us;Q314056

However, if Svchost.exe is using a large portion of your CPU
cycles, it may well have been "hijacked" by a worm or Trojan. Have
you tried using a decent antivirus application with the most
currently-available virus definition files? A strong candidate would
be W32.Welchia.Worm.

W32.Welchia.Worm a.k.a. W32/Nachi.Worm

Because many of the newer viruses and worms can disable antivirus
applications whose definitions weren't up-to-date, try using one or
more of the free on-line scanners to double-check your system.

Trend Micro - Free online virus Scan

McAfee Security - FreeScan

Symantec Security Check

Bruce Chambers
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having both at once. - RAH


I'm having svchost-related problems too - however in my case the system frequently goes 'idle' unless I delete 3 of the 4 svchost instances I have in my task list.

I've tried running the 'Tasklist' command as suggested in the KB entry Bruce refers to (314056), however it can't find the command (to be accurate it says 'Tasklist' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file'). Any suggestions as to how I can get this to work are very welcome!


Brian K

If it's not due to a virus try disabling the SSDP Discovery Service. That
caused my 100% CPU problem.


Martin Jackson said:
I'm having svchost-related problems too - however in my case the system
frequently goes 'idle' unless I delete 3 of the 4 svchost instances I have
in my task list.
I've tried running the 'Tasklist' command as suggested in the KB entry
Bruce refers to (314056), however it can't find the command (to be accurate
it says 'Tasklist' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file'). Any suggestions as to how I can get this
to work are very welcome!

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