supressing the "would you like to open the file or save..." message from web browser control


Jerry Shea

I am loading a Word RTF document into an axwebbrowser control with
windows forms .NET.

When I call the Navigate2 method IE pops up the "Some files can harm
your computer.... would you like to open the file or save...".

Is there any way to get rid of this message? The file I am opening is
generated from my program and lives on the local drive.



Even if there was a way, it will not allow you to set it on a different computer through code. It is something that is linked to the way the current user wants the system to work. So even if you do it on your system, if you deploy the application somebody else will get the message..

Jerry Shea

Thanks for the reply. Any idea how to configure a PC to not show this

Jerry Shea

Anyone got any ideas? I thought MS support are supposed to be lurking
on these newsgroup?

Herfried K. Wagner [MVP]

* (e-mail address removed) (Jerry Shea) scripsit:
Anyone got any ideas? I thought MS support are supposed to be lurking
on these newsgroup?

People from Microsoft reply to some messages, but there is no guarantee
to get an answer.

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