Summing cells



This may be a really stupid question, but here I go. I want an equation that
will only summ cells in a row in a specific range of cells if one cell in
another range matches a set criteria. For example, I only want to sum those
cells in range D3:F16 if the value in a cell located in cloumn A matches a
specific value. So if A1 is the only cell in column A that matches the
criteria, then D1:F1 are summed.

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

Try something like this...




Almost. What I really want it to do is just some the cells in the same row
as the cell that matches the criteria. But I do not want to have to do this
row by row. I just want to set the column that contains the cells for
matching and then the range of cells that contain all of the data. That way
I only need to adjust my matching criteria.



do you mean to say if A1 has an value say 50.

then it should sum number of 50's which are there in D3:F16.

If yes use this formula.


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