Sum by date



In column B, I am trying to add up the values in columns E, H, K, etc (every
third column), but ONLY if the corresponding date in columns C (for E), F
(for H), I (for K), etc (every third column) is within 6 months from TODAY.
I can move the data around if the values need to be next to the corresponding
dates, but that will move around some list validations I already have set up,
so I'm trying to avoid it if possible.

I think it is a sum if, but I can't get it to work. Any help is
appreciated. Thank you so much!


I found this one in an old post and it is almost what I need:

=SUMIF(A1:A100,">=" & DATE(YEAR(TODAY())-1,MONTH(TODAY()),1),B1:B100)

However, I need to use a rolling 6 months and this formula is using an
entire year. How would I change it? Thanks!

David Biddulph

Have you tried
=SUMIF(A1:A100,">=" & DATE(YEAR(TODAY()),MONTH(TODAY())-6,1),B1:B100) ?

David Biddulph

I notice, however, that the formula you quoted wasn't "using an entire
year", but was going back to the first of the month, so from 17 March 2008
would go to 1 March 2007.
My formula does the same for 6 months so would go to 1 September 2007.
If you actually want to go back 6 months from today (to 17 September 2007),
then change the formula to
=SUMIF(A1:A100,">=" &

Tom Hutchins

I'm not sure if you only want to check for dates up to 6 months in the
future, or in the past also. Either way, to calculate the date 6 months from
now, paste this into an out-of-the-way cell:


If you only want to check for future dates, start with a formula like this
in column B:


In this example, the date 6 months from today is found in cell AA1. Add as
many copies of the SUMPRODUCT formula as necessary to itself, editing the
column references each time. For example:


Empty cells in the date columns won't cause problems, but text that Excel
can't interpret as a date will. Therefore, the format of your dates might
mean we need to adjust the formula.

If you want to look for past dates within 6 months as well as future dates,
then you can use something like this:


Hope this helps,



That is almost it, but it is calcuating by the month and not the day. For
instance, 8/31/07 is not returning a value (as it shouldn't--it's over 6
months from today), but 9/1/07 is---the oldest date that should return a
value today would be 9/19/07--exactly 6 months ago.

Thanks for the help!


I guess we were typing at the same time.

That worked! Thanks so much for the help!

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