Sudden shutdown problems



Hi, I have a problem. My Windows XP is doing sudden
shutdowns every time I get on the internet. The message
that appears in front of me before it happens is saying:
that the remote procedure call(RPC) has terminated and
the shutdown was authorized by NT authority/system.Is
this a virus? What does this mean? What do I do to stop
this from happening?


Hi, I have a problem. My Windows XP is doing sudden
shutdowns every time I get on the internet. The message
that appears in front of me before it happens is saying:
that the remote procedure call(RPC) has terminated and
the shutdown was authorized by NT authority/system.Is
this a virus? What does this mean? What do I do to stop
this from happening?

How about stop using computer till you learn update windows, learn use virus
killer and such?

But yes... It's most likely VIRUS. Blaster worm or some other that use same
vounerability... Get yourself a viruskiller and maybe firewall and keep your
windows UPDATED.


-----Original Message-----
Hi, I have a problem. My Windows XP is doing sudden
shutdowns every time I get on the internet. The message
that appears in front of me before it happens is saying:
that the remote procedure call(RPC) has terminated and
the shutdown was authorized by NT authority/system.Is
this a virus? What does this mean? What do I do to stop
this from happening?


-----Original Message-----
Hi, I have a problem. My Windows XP is doing sudden
shutdowns every time I get on the internet. The message
that appears in front of me before it happens is saying:
that the remote procedure call(RPC) has terminated and
the shutdown was authorized by NT authority/system.Is
this a virus? What does this mean? What do I do to stop
this from happening?


Hi, I have a problem. My Windows XP is doing sudden
shutdowns every time I get on the internet. The message
that appears in front of me before it happens is saying:
that the remote procedure call(RPC) has terminated and
the shutdown was authorized by NT authority/system.Is
this a virus? What does this mean? What do I do to stop
this from happening?

I'll save Chris Lanier the trouble:


You have got a virus, removal info at...

More info about the worm:

More info about the worm:

Blasting The Blaster!

Steve Rosenzweig

I dunno... my VAIO did the same thing... did many virus and worm checks,
found nothing. I decided that there was something wrong with the computer
itself, so I turn it off, unplugged it and gave it a good cleaning (turns
out the fan was so dirty it was causing the computer to overheat!)

Since that cleaning ( 4 weeks now)... no crashes!

Just lucky I guess.


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