Subtotal and running/cumulative total!



Loacation Name Sales Comm
252 ABC 100 12.5
252 CCC 100 12.5
252 DDD 100 12.5
300 EEE 100 12.5
300 FFF 100 12.5
500 GGG 100 12.5
500 HHH 100 12.5
500 KKK 100 12.5

This is the data I got from external databae query. Is there any VBA
code to add subtotal and also running total in the rows after evr
location number changes. I mean, If I run the vba macro It will inser
two rows after every location changes. One row for subtotal for th
each locaion and in the next row will be the cumulative totals for al
location upto that point.:eek


Public Sub Get_Totals()

Dim rw As Long
Dim total As Double
rw = 2
Do Until Cells(rw, "A") = ""
If Cells(rw, "A") = Cells(rw + 1, "A") Then
total = total + Cells(rw, "D")
Cells(rw, "E") = total + Cells(rw, "D")
total = 0
End If
rw = rw + 1
End Sub

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