I have an MS Access 2007 form where we track Activities and then we have a subform where we track the Commitments related to the Activities in a one to many relationship. We then have another subform where we track the Actions Completed related to each Commitment. Right now on my computer it seems to work where if you select a Commitment in the first subform it will display only the Actions related to that Commitment in the second subform (which is what I want). However, when I open this form on someone else's computer and select a Commitment, it does not show the related Actions, it merely shows a blank line for a new record (Action). This database is saved on a shared drive so we are both accessing the same database. I can't figure out why the form would behave differently on one computer than another. Any ideas? It would seem that the form and subform properties saved for one database on a shared drive would behave the same on two different computers. I'm an Access novice, so I'm hoping there is an easy fix that I'm missing. Not sure that it matters, but my computer is Windows 7 and the other is XP.