Subform not listing all entries in field


Try Hard

I have a subfrom which displays a number of fields based on a selection in
the main form. Is there anyway in which these records can be viewed one after
the other on the datasheet view rather than having to click the navigation
bar to to the next record. Anybodies assistance here would be muchly
appreciated. Thankyou.


Go to design view of the form.
Go to the properties of the form.
Scroll down to the DefaultView property and change it to DataSheet.
Now the form should appear as a datasheet.

Hope this helps.

Try Hard

Thanks magicdds.

Another drama I have is that I select what records to update on the
datasheet, once I have entered the data that data disappears from view (as
the criteria is selected from a cbo. Is it possible to have the data I enter
remain on the datasheet for that record ie. rather than a cbo can the data be
seen on each record.

Thanks Again!

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