Stop invallid allocation 0 bytes

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When itry to launch into the game i get this message and booted back to
desktop when i play MW4 mercs. i have done an error report for it and will
post it at the end of this message. i have tried everything i can think of up
to and including a full reformat and reinstall of XP home.
i am at the moment pretty stumped

STOP : Invalid allocation, 0 bytes

Processor Registers EAX=0x00000000 EBX=0x00000000 ECX=0x00000000
EDX=0x00000000 Flags=0x00000000
=================== ESI=0x00000000 EDI=0x00000000 EBP=0x0012F860
ESP=0x0012F6F8 EIP=0x00000000
EIP (0x00000000) ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
ESP (0x0012F6F8) 0012F854 00000000 00000000 00000000 0012F674 044D0000
00000001 00000000
77F2EB6A 00000020 00000041 00000000 00140178 00000F00
00004002 0D653308
00340178 0000043B 0012F970 7C911538 7C911596 7C9106EB
00000012 00001032

Machine details
Executable name : D:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Mechwarrior
Executable time, date : 18:04:42 Monday 9/30/2002
Command line :
Current directory : D:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Mechwarrior
Current time, date : 18:10:49 Friday 12/10/2004
GameOS build version : Version 1.1 11/2/2000
Software rasterizer : d:\program files\microsoft games\mechwarrior
mercenaries\blade.dll (Size 286,786 bytes)
User name : Owner
Machine name : KARI
Processor : 1311MHz AMD Athlon MMX 3DNow! Model=4, Type=6,
Cache Information : Unknown
L2 r/w/rw speed : 8 cycles 5244MB/s, 8 cycles 5244MB/s, 8 cycles
Main memory r/w/rw speed : 39 cycles 1075MB/s, 122 cycles 343MB/s, 125
cycles 335MB/s
Video memory r/w/rw speed : 988 cycles 42MB/s, 98 cycles 428MB/s, 1339
cycles 31MB/s
AGP memory r/w/rw speed : 242 cycles 173MB/s, 52 cycles 806MB/s, 306
cycles 137MB/s
Operating system : Windows XP (5.1.2600) Service Pack 2
DirectX version :
Time since booted : 0h 2m 0s
Time in game logic : 0h 0m 10.27s (on frame 477)
Time app running : 0h 0m 27.17s
Physical memory : 536,313,856 bytes (511 Meg)
Available physical memory : 282,001,408 bytes (269 Meg)
Swapfile size : 1,713,565,696 bytes (1634 Meg)
Swapfile available : 1,491,955,712 bytes (1423 Meg)
Virtual memory : 2,147,352,576 bytes (2048 Meg)
Available virtual memory : 1,873,649,664 bytes (1787 Meg)
Amount of stack used : 2576 bytes
Memory load : 47%
Desktop video mode : 1280,1024 16bpp
Mode when crash occured : Full Screen 800x600x16 Refresh=60Hz (RADEON 7500
Networked Machine : No
Executable version :
PCI Chipset : VIA Tech3 - No AGP miniport driver

Processes Pri Threads Path
type32.exe : 8 : 3 : C:\Program Files\Microsoft IntelliType
point32.exe : 8 : 4 : C:\Program Files\Microsoft
hpcmpmgr.exe : 8 : 5 : C:\Program
hpztsb10.exe : 8 : 1 :
HPWuSchd2.exe : 8 : 1 : C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\HP
Software Update\HPWuSchd2.exe
atiptaxx.exe : 8 : 1 : C:\WINDOWS\system32\atiptaxx.exe
MW4Mercs.exe : 8 : 1 : D:\Program Files\Microsoft
Games\Mechwarrior Mercenaries\MW4Mercs.exe
MW4MERCS.ICD : 8 : 14 : D:\Program Files\Microsoft
Games\Mechwarrior Mercenaries\MW4MERCS.ICD
~ef7194.tmp : 8 : 2 :

DLL Version numbers
msvcrt.dll - Version 6.00.8397.0 - Found in D:\Program Files\Microsoft
Games\Mechwarrior Mercenaries
Could not find 'msvcrtd.dll'
msvcirt.dll - Version 6.00.8168.0 - Found in D:\Program Files\Microsoft
Games\Mechwarrior Mercenaries
Could not find 'msvcirtd.dll'
amstream.dll - Version 6.05.2600.2180
quartz.dll - Version 6.05.2600.2180
Ir50_32.dll - Version R.
dsound.dll - Version 5.3.2600.2180
dinput.dll - Version 5.03.2600.2180
d3dim.dll - Version 5.1.2600.0
ddraw.dll - Version 5.03.2600.2180
dplayx.dll - Version 5.03.2600.2180

Input devices
Microsoft Wireless Optical Desktop® 2.10
Buttons 0
Axis 0
Sliders 0
POV hats 0
Logitech Extreme 3D Pro
Buttons 12

Installing the latest updates for MW4 from Microsoft should resolve that.

Cheers, Windows XP MVP Shell / User
Jimmy S.

Game FAQs:;[LN];gms
Visit my MSN and Gaming Help Site:
MS Assisted Support:
My advice is donated "AS IS" without warranty; nor do I confer any rights.

| When itry to launch into the game i get this message and booted back to
| desktop when i play MW4 mercs. i have done an error report for it and will
| post it at the end of this message. i have tried everything i can think of up
| to and including a full reformat and reinstall of XP home.
| i am at the moment pretty stumped
| STOP : Invalid allocation, 0 bytes
| Processor Registers EAX=0x00000000 EBX=0x00000000 ECX=0x00000000
| EDX=0x00000000 Flags=0x00000000
| =================== ESI=0x00000000 EDI=0x00000000 EBP=0x0012F860
| ESP=0x0012F6F8 EIP=0x00000000
| EIP (0x00000000) ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
| ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
| ESP (0x0012F6F8) 0012F854 00000000 00000000 00000000 0012F674 044D0000
| 00000001 00000000
| 77F2EB6A 00000020 00000041 00000000 00140178 00000F00
| 00004002 0D653308
| 00340178 0000043B 0012F970 7C911538 7C911596 7C9106EB
| 00000012 00001032
| Machine details
| ===============
| Executable name : D:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Mechwarrior
| Mercenaries\MW4MERCS.ICD
| Executable time, date : 18:04:42 Monday 9/30/2002
| Command line :
| Current directory : D:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Mechwarrior
| Mercenaries
| Current time, date : 18:10:49 Friday 12/10/2004
| GameOS build version : Version 1.1 11/2/2000
| Software rasterizer : d:\program files\microsoft games\mechwarrior
| mercenaries\blade.dll (Size 286,786 bytes)
| User name : Owner
| Machine name : KARI
| Processor : 1311MHz AMD Athlon MMX 3DNow! Model=4, Type=6,
| Stepping=2
| Cache Information : Unknown
| L2 r/w/rw speed : 8 cycles 5244MB/s, 8 cycles 5244MB/s, 8 cycles
| 5244MB/s
| Main memory r/w/rw speed : 39 cycles 1075MB/s, 122 cycles 343MB/s, 125
| cycles 335MB/s
| Video memory r/w/rw speed : 988 cycles 42MB/s, 98 cycles 428MB/s, 1339
| cycles 31MB/s
| AGP memory r/w/rw speed : 242 cycles 173MB/s, 52 cycles 806MB/s, 306
| cycles 137MB/s
| Operating system : Windows XP (5.1.2600) Service Pack 2
| DirectX version :
| Time since booted : 0h 2m 0s
| Time in game logic : 0h 0m 10.27s (on frame 477)
| Time app running : 0h 0m 27.17s
| Physical memory : 536,313,856 bytes (511 Meg)
| Available physical memory : 282,001,408 bytes (269 Meg)
| Swapfile size : 1,713,565,696 bytes (1634 Meg)
| Swapfile available : 1,491,955,712 bytes (1423 Meg)
| Virtual memory : 2,147,352,576 bytes (2048 Meg)
| Available virtual memory : 1,873,649,664 bytes (1787 Meg)
| Amount of stack used : 2576 bytes
| Memory load : 47%
| Desktop video mode : 1280,1024 16bpp
| Mode when crash occured : Full Screen 800x600x16 Refresh=60Hz (RADEON 7500
| Networked Machine : No
| Executable version :
| PCI Chipset : VIA Tech3 - No AGP miniport driver
| Processes Pri Threads Path
| ==========================================
| type32.exe : 8 : 3 : C:\Program Files\Microsoft IntelliType
| Pro\type32.exe
| point32.exe : 8 : 4 : C:\Program Files\Microsoft
| IntelliPoint\point32.exe
| hpcmpmgr.exe : 8 : 5 : C:\Program
| Files\HP\hpcoretech\hpcmpmgr.exe
| hpztsb10.exe : 8 : 1 :
| C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\drivers\w32x86\3\hpztsb10.exe
| HPWuSchd2.exe : 8 : 1 : C:\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\HP
| Software Update\HPWuSchd2.exe
| atiptaxx.exe : 8 : 1 : C:\WINDOWS\system32\atiptaxx.exe
| MW4Mercs.exe : 8 : 1 : D:\Program Files\Microsoft
| Games\Mechwarrior Mercenaries\MW4Mercs.exe
| MW4MERCS.ICD : 8 : 14 : D:\Program Files\Microsoft
| Games\Mechwarrior Mercenaries\MW4MERCS.ICD
| ~ef7194.tmp : 8 : 2 :
| C:\DOCUME~1\Owner\LOCALS~1\Temp\~ef7194.tmp
| DLL Version numbers
| ===================
| msvcrt.dll - Version 6.00.8397.0 - Found in D:\Program Files\Microsoft
| Games\Mechwarrior Mercenaries
| Could not find 'msvcrtd.dll'
| msvcirt.dll - Version 6.00.8168.0 - Found in D:\Program Files\Microsoft
| Games\Mechwarrior Mercenaries
| Could not find 'msvcirtd.dll'
| amstream.dll - Version 6.05.2600.2180
| quartz.dll - Version 6.05.2600.2180
| Ir50_32.dll - Version R.
| dsound.dll - Version 5.3.2600.2180
| dinput.dll - Version 5.03.2600.2180
| d3dim.dll - Version 5.1.2600.0
| ddraw.dll - Version 5.03.2600.2180
| dplayx.dll - Version 5.03.2600.2180
| Input devices
| =============
| Microsoft Wireless Optical Desktop® 2.10
| Buttons 0
| Axis 0
| Sliders 0
| POV hats 0
| Logitech Extreme 3D Pro
| Buttons 12