STOP 0x000000A0 when Hibernating (5744)


Artur Niesporek

Since RC2 (5744) i'm unable to hibernate my Thinkpad T60. Whenever i try to
put it into Hibernate the system bluescreens with error 0x000000A0
(INTERNAL_POWER_ERROR). Found that bug introduced new in this build. 5600
and 5728 didn't had such issues with hibernating.

I think it must be some driver issue, but i didn't install any 3rd party
drivers since RC2 had drivers for all hardware.

Anyone can reproduce that? Or any suggestions to solve this problem.
Currently i run powercfg -h off to disable hibernate mode.



I have the exact same thing. I performed an upgrade from RC1 (yes I'm that
brave) and this problem has existed since then.

I have tried removing the power profiles and reimporting them - no good :(

Like you I suspect a driver issue. Couple of interesting things though...
1) It has worked very occasionally when I have tried to hibernate - not sure
what might have been different
2) Once when I forgot to plug laptop power in - when I powered back on it
said "Resuming Windows" from a hibernate state which kinda shocked me!

Would love to have this fixed!!!

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