Startup a database with a full screen switchboard form



I want to start a database with a switchboard showing various users and have
them click their name to go to their own switchboard. I know how to set the
startup form but can't find the full screen start up setting. Also, can you
set each subsequent user's switchboard form to require a password to get the
form to open?

Ken Snell \(MVP\)

In the startup form's Activate event, put this code:


As for password, you can write programming that will ask the user for a
password and then compare that to a password stored somewhere.

Ken Snell \(MVP\)

Attach the following code to the form's Activate event:

Private Sub Form_Activate()
End Sub

As for the password item, you'll need to tell us more information about
where the password is stored, how it's stored, and how the form would know
whether a correct password has been entered for the person or not.

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