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I've just changed my ISP, I was previously using a Router, I'm now using a
Modem with my new company. I'm trying to make the modem work the same as my
router did on start up. I've put shortcuts for my ADSL Modem and Outlook
Express into the Start Menu so that they both open when I first switch on my
PC. I've got the box ticked in Outlook Express to send and receive messages
at start-up. The problem is that Outlook Express starts before my Modem,
therefore it's trying to send & receive before the modems connected. I
thought the programs in the start menu might open in alphabetical order, so I
renamed the Outlook shortcut to 'Toutlook' so it was after my modem name, but
Outlook still opened first. How can I make my modem shortcut open before my
Outlook Express shortcut?

Thanks for any suggestions.

On simple way would be to use a batch file, or script to launch them, with a

set shell=createobject("") "path to the adsl app"
wscript.sleep "60000"
' this waits for 60 thousand milliseconds "path to OE app"
--end file-
Thanks Mark I'll try that.


Mark L. Ferguson said:
On simple way would be to use a batch file, or script to launch them, with a

set shell=createobject("") "path to the adsl app"
wscript.sleep "60000"
' this waits for 60 thousand milliseconds "path to OE app"
--end file-