SQL to read an entry on a form


el zorro

I'm stumped. I hae an adp front end connected to SQL Server back end. I have
a user form with a list box ("ClientList") that has a large number of names
in it. I am trying to allow the users to type the name, or the first three
letters of the name, into an unbound text box ("TextBox") on the form. Then
they will hit a control button that will re-assign the RowSource for
ClientList, giving them all the names that begin with the first three letters
they have entered. I have tried this code for the On Click event of the
control button:

ClientList.RowSource = "SELECT Clients.CliLN, Clients.CliFN, Clients.CliMI " _
& "FROM Clients WHERE (Clients.CliLN LIKE LEFT([Me!TextBox], 3) + N'%') "

But this doesnt work. Pls help! Thanks!

Sylvain Lafontaine

Display the result of the sql string in a message box and you will see where
your error is.

el zorro

The test message was "False". Maybe I'm going about this all wrong. I just
want to be able to search a list box on a form for last names that begin with
the three letters the user types into a text box on the form.

In Access mdb I could do this by referencing the text box inthe query
underlying the List Box. But in adp/SQL Server, the view undertying the text
box does not seem to recognize input from the form. So, I'm trying to put the
reference to the text box in the SQL statement that populates the form, but
it isn't working. As I say,I'mprobably going about this all wrong. There must
be a way to search a list box-- I'm sure people do this all the time. Any

Sylvain Lafontaine said:
Display the result of the sql string in a message box and you will see where
your error is.

Sylvain Lafontaine, ing.
MVP - Technologies Virtual-PC
E-mail: sylvain aei ca (fill the blanks, no spam please)

el zorro said:
I'm stumped. I hae an adp front end connected to SQL Server back end. I
a user form with a list box ("ClientList") that has a large number of
in it. I am trying to allow the users to type the name, or the first
letters of the name, into an unbound text box ("TextBox") on the form.
they will hit a control button that will re-assign the RowSource for
ClientList, giving them all the names that begin with the first three
they have entered. I have tried this code for the On Click event of the
control button:

ClientList.RowSource = "SELECT Clients.CliLN, Clients.CliFN, Clients.CliMI
" _
& "FROM Clients WHERE (Clients.CliLN LIKE LEFT([Me!TextBox], 3) + N'%') "

But this doesnt work. Pls help! Thanks!

Sylvain Lafontaine

Write something like:

Dim s as string

s = "SELECT Clients.CliLN, Clients.CliFN, Clients.CliMI " _
& "FROM Clients WHERE (Clients.CliLN LIKE N'" _
& Replace (LEFT([Me!TextBox], 3), "'", "''") + "%') "

MsgBox s

ClientList.RowSource = s

Sylvain Lafontaine, ing.
MVP - Technologies Virtual-PC
E-mail: sylvain aei ca (fill the blanks, no spam please)

el zorro said:
The test message was "False". Maybe I'm going about this all wrong. I just
want to be able to search a list box on a form for last names that begin
the three letters the user types into a text box on the form.

In Access mdb I could do this by referencing the text box inthe query
underlying the List Box. But in adp/SQL Server, the view undertying the
box does not seem to recognize input from the form. So, I'm trying to put
reference to the text box in the SQL statement that populates the form,
it isn't working. As I say,I'mprobably going about this all wrong. There
be a way to search a list box-- I'm sure people do this all the time. Any

Sylvain Lafontaine said:
Display the result of the sql string in a message box and you will see
your error is.

Sylvain Lafontaine, ing.
MVP - Technologies Virtual-PC
E-mail: sylvain aei ca (fill the blanks, no spam please)

el zorro said:
I'm stumped. I hae an adp front end connected to SQL Server back end. I
a user form with a list box ("ClientList") that has a large number of
in it. I am trying to allow the users to type the name, or the first
letters of the name, into an unbound text box ("TextBox") on the form.
they will hit a control button that will re-assign the RowSource for
ClientList, giving them all the names that begin with the first three
they have entered. I have tried this code for the On Click event of the
control button:

ClientList.RowSource = "SELECT Clients.CliLN, Clients.CliFN,
" _
& "FROM Clients WHERE (Clients.CliLN LIKE LEFT([Me!TextBox], 3) + N'%')

But this doesnt work. Pls help! Thanks!

el zorro

Thanks, Sylvain. I think your solution would show the user the names in the
message box, but the user needs to select the name from the list box so that
other things can happen programatically.

As it works now, a user looking for, say, "Martinez" user can navigate
through the list to all names beginning with the letter M, by typing M in the
list box control. I guess that's a basic Access feature. THe problem is that
there might be 300 clients whose last name begins with M, so the user scrolls
to locate the name-- and it's a lot of scrolling. I am trying to replace the
scrolling with a search feature-- let the user looking for "Martinez" type
"Mar," to get closer to the spot on the list, and then find Martinez.

Sylvain Lafontaine said:
Write something like:

Dim s as string

s = "SELECT Clients.CliLN, Clients.CliFN, Clients.CliMI " _
& "FROM Clients WHERE (Clients.CliLN LIKE N'" _
& Replace (LEFT([Me!TextBox], 3), "'", "''") + "%') "

MsgBox s

ClientList.RowSource = s

Sylvain Lafontaine, ing.
MVP - Technologies Virtual-PC
E-mail: sylvain aei ca (fill the blanks, no spam please)

el zorro said:
The test message was "False". Maybe I'm going about this all wrong. I just
want to be able to search a list box on a form for last names that begin
the three letters the user types into a text box on the form.

In Access mdb I could do this by referencing the text box inthe query
underlying the List Box. But in adp/SQL Server, the view undertying the
box does not seem to recognize input from the form. So, I'm trying to put
reference to the text box in the SQL statement that populates the form,
it isn't working. As I say,I'mprobably going about this all wrong. There
be a way to search a list box-- I'm sure people do this all the time. Any

Sylvain Lafontaine said:
Display the result of the sql string in a message box and you will see
your error is.

Sylvain Lafontaine, ing.
MVP - Technologies Virtual-PC
E-mail: sylvain aei ca (fill the blanks, no spam please)

I'm stumped. I hae an adp front end connected to SQL Server back end. I
a user form with a list box ("ClientList") that has a large number of
in it. I am trying to allow the users to type the name, or the first
letters of the name, into an unbound text box ("TextBox") on the form.
they will hit a control button that will re-assign the RowSource for
ClientList, giving them all the names that begin with the first three
they have entered. I have tried this code for the On Click event of the
control button:

ClientList.RowSource = "SELECT Clients.CliLN, Clients.CliFN,
" _
& "FROM Clients WHERE (Clients.CliLN LIKE LEFT([Me!TextBox], 3) + N'%')

But this doesnt work. Pls help! Thanks!

Sylvain Lafontaine

The use of the message box here is only as a demonstrating/debugging purpose
on how to correctly write the sql string that must be used as the RowSource
of the control.

Sylvain Lafontaine, ing.
MVP - Technologies Virtual-PC
E-mail: sylvain aei ca (fill the blanks, no spam please)

el zorro said:
Thanks, Sylvain. I think your solution would show the user the names in
message box, but the user needs to select the name from the list box so
other things can happen programatically.

As it works now, a user looking for, say, "Martinez" user can navigate
through the list to all names beginning with the letter M, by typing M in
list box control. I guess that's a basic Access feature. THe problem is
there might be 300 clients whose last name begins with M, so the user
to locate the name-- and it's a lot of scrolling. I am trying to replace
scrolling with a search feature-- let the user looking for "Martinez" type
"Mar," to get closer to the spot on the list, and then find Martinez.

Sylvain Lafontaine said:
Write something like:

Dim s as string

s = "SELECT Clients.CliLN, Clients.CliFN, Clients.CliMI " _
& "FROM Clients WHERE (Clients.CliLN LIKE N'" _
& Replace (LEFT([Me!TextBox], 3), "'", "''") + "%') "

MsgBox s

ClientList.RowSource = s

Sylvain Lafontaine, ing.
MVP - Technologies Virtual-PC
E-mail: sylvain aei ca (fill the blanks, no spam please)

el zorro said:
The test message was "False". Maybe I'm going about this all wrong. I
want to be able to search a list box on a form for last names that
the three letters the user types into a text box on the form.

In Access mdb I could do this by referencing the text box inthe query
underlying the List Box. But in adp/SQL Server, the view undertying the
box does not seem to recognize input from the form. So, I'm trying to
reference to the text box in the SQL statement that populates the form,
it isn't working. As I say,I'mprobably going about this all wrong.
be a way to search a list box-- I'm sure people do this all the time.


Display the result of the sql string in a message box and you will see
your error is.

Sylvain Lafontaine, ing.
MVP - Technologies Virtual-PC
E-mail: sylvain aei ca (fill the blanks, no spam please)

I'm stumped. I hae an adp front end connected to SQL Server back
end. I
a user form with a list box ("ClientList") that has a large number
in it. I am trying to allow the users to type the name, or the
letters of the name, into an unbound text box ("TextBox") on the
they will hit a control button that will re-assign the RowSource for
ClientList, giving them all the names that begin with the first
they have entered. I have tried this code for the On Click event of
control button:

ClientList.RowSource = "SELECT Clients.CliLN, Clients.CliFN,
" _
& "FROM Clients WHERE (Clients.CliLN LIKE LEFT([Me!TextBox], 3) +

But this doesnt work. Pls help! Thanks!

el zorro

Oops-- sorry. It must drive you nuts trying to help some of us idiots out

I can't get that code to work, though. As a test, this code works, but it
returns people who's first names begin with the same 3 letters as their last

ClientList.RowSource = "SELECT CliLN, CliFN, CliMI" _
& "FROM dbo.Clients WHERE (CliLN LIKE LEFT(CliFN, 3) + N'%') " _
& "ORDER BY CliLN, CliFN, CliMI"

Not particularly useful, but if I could just figure out how to replace
"CliFN" in the LEFT statement with the string entered in my form TextBox, I
think I'd be home free. But I've tried:

LEFT(Me!TextBox, 3) + N'%')

and it doesn't work. Am I hopeless?

Sylvain Lafontaine said:
The use of the message box here is only as a demonstrating/debugging purpose
on how to correctly write the sql string that must be used as the RowSource
of the control.

Sylvain Lafontaine, ing.
MVP - Technologies Virtual-PC
E-mail: sylvain aei ca (fill the blanks, no spam please)

el zorro said:
Thanks, Sylvain. I think your solution would show the user the names in
message box, but the user needs to select the name from the list box so
other things can happen programatically.

As it works now, a user looking for, say, "Martinez" user can navigate
through the list to all names beginning with the letter M, by typing M in
list box control. I guess that's a basic Access feature. THe problem is
there might be 300 clients whose last name begins with M, so the user
to locate the name-- and it's a lot of scrolling. I am trying to replace
scrolling with a search feature-- let the user looking for "Martinez" type
"Mar," to get closer to the spot on the list, and then find Martinez.

Sylvain Lafontaine said:
Write something like:

Dim s as string

s = "SELECT Clients.CliLN, Clients.CliFN, Clients.CliMI " _
& "FROM Clients WHERE (Clients.CliLN LIKE N'" _
& Replace (LEFT([Me!TextBox], 3), "'", "''") + "%') "

MsgBox s

ClientList.RowSource = s

Sylvain Lafontaine, ing.
MVP - Technologies Virtual-PC
E-mail: sylvain aei ca (fill the blanks, no spam please)

The test message was "False". Maybe I'm going about this all wrong. I
want to be able to search a list box on a form for last names that
the three letters the user types into a text box on the form.

In Access mdb I could do this by referencing the text box inthe query
underlying the List Box. But in adp/SQL Server, the view undertying the
box does not seem to recognize input from the form. So, I'm trying to
reference to the text box in the SQL statement that populates the form,
it isn't working. As I say,I'mprobably going about this all wrong.
be a way to search a list box-- I'm sure people do this all the time.


Display the result of the sql string in a message box and you will see
your error is.

Sylvain Lafontaine, ing.
MVP - Technologies Virtual-PC
E-mail: sylvain aei ca (fill the blanks, no spam please)

I'm stumped. I hae an adp front end connected to SQL Server back
end. I
a user form with a list box ("ClientList") that has a large number
in it. I am trying to allow the users to type the name, or the
letters of the name, into an unbound text box ("TextBox") on the
they will hit a control button that will re-assign the RowSource for
ClientList, giving them all the names that begin with the first
they have entered. I have tried this code for the On Click event of
control button:

ClientList.RowSource = "SELECT Clients.CliLN, Clients.CliFN,
" _
& "FROM Clients WHERE (Clients.CliLN LIKE LEFT([Me!TextBox], 3) +

But this doesnt work. Pls help! Thanks!

Sylvain Lafontaine

As you have stated in one of your previous message, SQL-Server doesn't know
nothing about the value of any controls in your frontend. So, when you are
dynamically building a sql string containing the value of a control, this
value must be put inside the sql string in the VBA code; before sending the
string to the sql-server. This is what I've done in my previous exemple:

s = "SELECT Clients.CliLN, Clients.CliFN, Clients.CliMI " _
& "FROM Clients WHERE (Clients.CliLN LIKE N'" _
& Replace (LEFT([Me!TextBox], 3), "'", "''") + "%') "

In this example, I've also took the precaution of doubling any embedded
single quote by using the replace function but you can remove it:

s = "SELECT Clients.CliLN, Clients.CliFN, Clients.CliMI " _
& "FROM Clients WHERE (Clients.CliLN LIKE N'" _
& LEFT([Me!TextBox], 3) + "%') "

I'm also assuming that Clients.CliLN is an unicode string (probably
nvarchar); hence the use of the N' before the constant in order to have a
comparaison between two unicode strings. The percent sign (%) is also added
locally in the VBA code; for example, notice the difference with:

s = "SELECT Clients.CliLN, Clients.CliFN, Clients.CliMI " _
& "FROM Clients WHERE (Clients.CliLN LIKE N'" _
& LEFT([Me!TextBox], 3) + "' + N'%') "

The best way of doing this is to display the sql string to make sure that
everything is OK. You can use debug.print to print it to the
debugging/immediate window and run it directly on the sql-server using

Sylvain Lafontaine, ing.
MVP - Technologies Virtual-PC
E-mail: sylvain aei ca (fill the blanks, no spam please)

el zorro said:
Oops-- sorry. It must drive you nuts trying to help some of us idiots out

I can't get that code to work, though. As a test, this code works, but it
returns people who's first names begin with the same 3 letters as their

ClientList.RowSource = "SELECT CliLN, CliFN, CliMI" _
& "FROM dbo.Clients WHERE (CliLN LIKE LEFT(CliFN, 3) + N'%') " _
& "ORDER BY CliLN, CliFN, CliMI"

Not particularly useful, but if I could just figure out how to replace
"CliFN" in the LEFT statement with the string entered in my form TextBox,
think I'd be home free. But I've tried:

LEFT(Me!TextBox, 3) + N'%')

and it doesn't work. Am I hopeless?

Sylvain Lafontaine said:
The use of the message box here is only as a demonstrating/debugging
on how to correctly write the sql string that must be used as the
of the control.

Sylvain Lafontaine, ing.
MVP - Technologies Virtual-PC
E-mail: sylvain aei ca (fill the blanks, no spam please)

el zorro said:
Thanks, Sylvain. I think your solution would show the user the names in
message box, but the user needs to select the name from the list box so
other things can happen programatically.

As it works now, a user looking for, say, "Martinez" user can navigate
through the list to all names beginning with the letter M, by typing M
list box control. I guess that's a basic Access feature. THe problem is
there might be 300 clients whose last name begins with M, so the user
to locate the name-- and it's a lot of scrolling. I am trying to
scrolling with a search feature-- let the user looking for "Martinez"
"Mar," to get closer to the spot on the list, and then find Martinez.


Write something like:

Dim s as string

s = "SELECT Clients.CliLN, Clients.CliFN, Clients.CliMI " _
& "FROM Clients WHERE (Clients.CliLN LIKE N'" _
& Replace (LEFT([Me!TextBox], 3), "'", "''") + "%') "

MsgBox s

ClientList.RowSource = s

Sylvain Lafontaine, ing.
MVP - Technologies Virtual-PC
E-mail: sylvain aei ca (fill the blanks, no spam please)

The test message was "False". Maybe I'm going about this all wrong.
want to be able to search a list box on a form for last names that
the three letters the user types into a text box on the form.

In Access mdb I could do this by referencing the text box inthe
underlying the List Box. But in adp/SQL Server, the view undertying
box does not seem to recognize input from the form. So, I'm trying
reference to the text box in the SQL statement that populates the
it isn't working. As I say,I'mprobably going about this all wrong.
be a way to search a list box-- I'm sure people do this all the


Display the result of the sql string in a message box and you will
your error is.

Sylvain Lafontaine, ing.
MVP - Technologies Virtual-PC
E-mail: sylvain aei ca (fill the blanks, no spam please)

I'm stumped. I hae an adp front end connected to SQL Server back
end. I
a user form with a list box ("ClientList") that has a large
in it. I am trying to allow the users to type the name, or the
letters of the name, into an unbound text box ("TextBox") on the
they will hit a control button that will re-assign the RowSource
ClientList, giving them all the names that begin with the first
they have entered. I have tried this code for the On Click event
control button:

ClientList.RowSource = "SELECT Clients.CliLN, Clients.CliFN,
" _
& "FROM Clients WHERE (Clients.CliLN LIKE LEFT([Me!TextBox], 3) +

But this doesnt work. Pls help! Thanks!

el zorro

Wow-- the little victories in programmig! I almost gave up! Your code works
great (I had to make a slight adjustment to the placement of the bracket). I
really appreciate your taking the time to provide an expanation of why SQL
couldn't see my reference to the field on the form, and why the fix works.
Thanks, Sylvain!

Sylvain Lafontaine said:
As you have stated in one of your previous message, SQL-Server doesn't know
nothing about the value of any controls in your frontend. So, when you are
dynamically building a sql string containing the value of a control, this
value must be put inside the sql string in the VBA code; before sending the
string to the sql-server. This is what I've done in my previous exemple:

s = "SELECT Clients.CliLN, Clients.CliFN, Clients.CliMI " _
& "FROM Clients WHERE (Clients.CliLN LIKE N'" _
& Replace (LEFT([Me!TextBox], 3), "'", "''") + "%') "

In this example, I've also took the precaution of doubling any embedded
single quote by using the replace function but you can remove it:

s = "SELECT Clients.CliLN, Clients.CliFN, Clients.CliMI " _
& "FROM Clients WHERE (Clients.CliLN LIKE N'" _
& LEFT([Me!TextBox], 3) + "%') "

I'm also assuming that Clients.CliLN is an unicode string (probably
nvarchar); hence the use of the N' before the constant in order to have a
comparaison between two unicode strings. The percent sign (%) is also added
locally in the VBA code; for example, notice the difference with:

s = "SELECT Clients.CliLN, Clients.CliFN, Clients.CliMI " _
& "FROM Clients WHERE (Clients.CliLN LIKE N'" _
& LEFT([Me!TextBox], 3) + "' + N'%') "

The best way of doing this is to display the sql string to make sure that
everything is OK. You can use debug.print to print it to the
debugging/immediate window and run it directly on the sql-server using

Sylvain Lafontaine, ing.
MVP - Technologies Virtual-PC
E-mail: sylvain aei ca (fill the blanks, no spam please)

el zorro said:
Oops-- sorry. It must drive you nuts trying to help some of us idiots out

I can't get that code to work, though. As a test, this code works, but it
returns people who's first names begin with the same 3 letters as their

ClientList.RowSource = "SELECT CliLN, CliFN, CliMI" _
& "FROM dbo.Clients WHERE (CliLN LIKE LEFT(CliFN, 3) + N'%') " _
& "ORDER BY CliLN, CliFN, CliMI"

Not particularly useful, but if I could just figure out how to replace
"CliFN" in the LEFT statement with the string entered in my form TextBox,
think I'd be home free. But I've tried:

LEFT(Me!TextBox, 3) + N'%')

and it doesn't work. Am I hopeless?

Sylvain Lafontaine said:
The use of the message box here is only as a demonstrating/debugging
on how to correctly write the sql string that must be used as the
of the control.

Sylvain Lafontaine, ing.
MVP - Technologies Virtual-PC
E-mail: sylvain aei ca (fill the blanks, no spam please)

Thanks, Sylvain. I think your solution would show the user the names in
message box, but the user needs to select the name from the list box so
other things can happen programatically.

As it works now, a user looking for, say, "Martinez" user can navigate
through the list to all names beginning with the letter M, by typing M
list box control. I guess that's a basic Access feature. THe problem is
there might be 300 clients whose last name begins with M, so the user
to locate the name-- and it's a lot of scrolling. I am trying to
scrolling with a search feature-- let the user looking for "Martinez"
"Mar," to get closer to the spot on the list, and then find Martinez.


Write something like:

Dim s as string

s = "SELECT Clients.CliLN, Clients.CliFN, Clients.CliMI " _
& "FROM Clients WHERE (Clients.CliLN LIKE N'" _
& Replace (LEFT([Me!TextBox], 3), "'", "''") + "%') "

MsgBox s

ClientList.RowSource = s

Sylvain Lafontaine, ing.
MVP - Technologies Virtual-PC
E-mail: sylvain aei ca (fill the blanks, no spam please)

The test message was "False". Maybe I'm going about this all wrong.
want to be able to search a list box on a form for last names that
the three letters the user types into a text box on the form.

In Access mdb I could do this by referencing the text box inthe
underlying the List Box. But in adp/SQL Server, the view undertying
box does not seem to recognize input from the form. So, I'm trying
reference to the text box in the SQL statement that populates the
it isn't working. As I say,I'mprobably going about this all wrong.
be a way to search a list box-- I'm sure people do this all the


Display the result of the sql string in a message box and you will
your error is.

Sylvain Lafontaine, ing.
MVP - Technologies Virtual-PC
E-mail: sylvain aei ca (fill the blanks, no spam please)

I'm stumped. I hae an adp front end connected to SQL Server back
end. I
a user form with a list box ("ClientList") that has a large
in it. I am trying to allow the users to type the name, or the
letters of the name, into an unbound text box ("TextBox") on the
they will hit a control button that will re-assign the RowSource
ClientList, giving them all the names that begin with the first
they have entered. I have tried this code for the On Click event
control button:

ClientList.RowSource = "SELECT Clients.CliLN, Clients.CliFN,
" _
& "FROM Clients WHERE (Clients.CliLN LIKE LEFT([Me!TextBox], 3) +

But this doesnt work. Pls help! Thanks!

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