Spybot Vers. 1.2 vs. Vers. 1.3 . . . Read This!



I had noticed that for about 2 weeks my Spybot Vers. 1.2
wasn't finding any hits, even though my Ad-aware had found
some. So I executed the Spybot update facility, and I got
a reply that said, in effect, that there were no new
updates and that I was current, which seemed unlikely.
Then I read a post somewhere that Spybot V1.3 is now the
current version, so I downloaded and installed V1.3. Note
that I uninstalled V1.2 first. The first time I ran V1.3 I
got 34 hits! V1.2 had found NOTHING! I find it a tad
annoying that the Spybot update facility didn't mention
that they weren't updating V1.2 any more and that V1.3 is
the new version available.
So to all you folks out there who are running Spybot V1.2,
you probably aren't getting the protection you think you
are. I strongly recommend that you install the current
Spybot V1.3.

Crusty \Old B@stard\

The fellow who produces SpyBot is a private individual (Patrick M. Kolla).
He can't think of everything. I give him a lot of credit (my hat's off to
you fella) for doing such a tremendous job for the computing community.

Why don't you learn to visit web pages of the various manufacturers to see
what's new. Or are you one of those people who still tries to run Windows
3.1 programs after all these years? Stop being lazy! Don't blame others for
your lack of initiative.


Richard Urban

aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :)

Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

Just how much hand-holding do you need? Spybot S&D is _free_,
after all. It's _your_ responsibility to ensure that the software on
_your_ computer is up-to-date.

Bruce Chambers
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You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on
having both at once. - RAH

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