Speed up BCM?



In using Outlook2003w/BCM, it seems to take slightly longer than most apps
to do things. For instance, when I do a FIND contacts (there are under 200
in my database), it takes as much as 6 seconds. Same thing with keying in a
Business Note and clicking Save.

This seems like a wait, and the PC I'm using is fairly new, about a year or
so old, a mid/upper end Dell, with fairly generous amounts of memory, etc.
And, I don't have lots of background things running, other than McAfee.
Plus, the PC gets lots of routine maintenance, scans, defrags, you know.
So, it's hard to believe that Outlook BCM would require lots of (or lots
more) processing power and/or memory.

I wondered if other users are experiencing wait times, what the cause might
be, and/or if there are any reasonable fixes...ways that don't require
lengthy diagnostics or shutting down everything like anti-virus and other



George, wait until you have over 2,000 contacts! I can't believe that it
takes this long to save something, search something or save something. They
have to speed up the process.


I could not agree more! Wait until you have over 2,000 Accounts. There has
be be a faster way to save, search items.

I sure would like to see some type upgrade to make it faster. I love the
program and what you can do with it; however there needs to be more
information on how to use it (help) and it needs to get faster.

Ed Marmon

isnt the whole msde thing supposed to help searching and dealing with
larger numbers?

i thought msde sql is supposed to powerful and stable and such, just for
dealing with larger records counts. 2000 is not large at all.


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