space from right



HI all, has anyone got a formula for finding thwe 1st space from the right of
a string
e.g. These can have variable lengths as they are all addresses
Gar 29 Durban Avenue Dalmuir West C

I want to find the space between West and C

Thanks all (again)

Mike H


I may have made hard work of this, lets see if a simpler formula arrives

","@",LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1," ",""))))))



You posted to the Programming forum, that's why I suppose you are looking for
a VBA function. It's the InstrRev


„delmac†ezt írta:

Rick Rothstein

A couple of questions. First off, are you asking for a worksheet formula
solution or a VB solution? Second, what is the goal of looking for that last
space... in order to find the last "word" in the line? If so, that would be
the better question to ask... in other words, tell us what you are
ultimately trying to accomplish as there *may* (no guarantee) be a better
way to do it than the one you have in mind.

Robin Clay

Public Function LastOfThese(LineOfText$, Character$) As Integer
' Finds the position of the last time the Character appears in the LineOfText
' e.g. "0123456,789,012,345,67,8,9,000" and "," gives 27
' It returns Zero if the Character does not appear in the LineOfText

Dim N As Integer, C As Integer

LastOfThese = 0
For N = 1 To Len(LineOfText$)
If Mid$(LineOfText$, N, 1) = Character$ Then LastOfThese = N
Next N

End Function

Rick Rothstein

Look up the InStrRev function in the help files... it will produce much more
efficient code...

Function LastOfThese(LineOfText As String, Character As String) As Long
LastOfThese = InStrRev(LineOfText, Character)
End Function


I've got an imported file of 12000 address and I only need the 1st line which
ends at the last space from the right. I can then using len and mid to delete
the last part of the string if I know where the last space is.


Rick Rothstein

Mike has given you a formula to find the last space which you can use in a
MID function call as you mentioned; however, you might want to consider this
alternative which will give you the part of the data you asked for in a
shorter function using less function calls...


It is because of alternative methods of accomplishing a goal like this that
I asked you "why" you wanted to find the last space.

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