Sorting defaults



When working with Excel 2002, we have set the columns up with headers. After
adding another entry into the spreadsheet, we do a column sort to alphabetize
the column.
We have 5 spreadsheets in the workbook. Three of these, we can sort without
sorting the header. The other 2, it sorts the header.
When going through Data-Sort..., we can choose Header Row on each of the
spreadsheets. The two we have problems with, it defaults to No Header Row.
How can I make it default to Header Row?
It would save me much time to just use the icpn on the toolbar.


The dafults change depending on the data layout. For example, if the headers
are in row 1 and the data in rows 2 to x, then it will default to header. If
the data does not start till row 3, Excel does not connect the header to the
data and defaults to no header. The same applies if row 1 is blank, even if
the header is row 2 and the data starts in row 3.

There may be other reasons, but this gives you a couple of possibilities to

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