


I am trying to sort two columns at the same time.

I understand the basic sorting technique but am having trouble when it
comes to sorting the second column.
I have an x coordinate column and a y coordinate column. I want to
have the spreadsheet display the records in order of x,y coordinate
from upper left to lower right. That would mean sorting the x values
ascending then the y values descending. I had hoped that the result of
the sort would be sequential x values followed by the next further down
y values continuing the increas, left-to-right of the x values. But
this is not happening. I don't know why. Any ideas?




Please post a small example (not an attachment), of what you want to see, and
what you're getting now.

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

Bernard Liengme

Try a two-step process:
Sort the dataset using the Y columns as key
Then sort it using the X column
I assume you want
2 5
3 6
2 4
3 3
to become
2 4
2 5
3 3
3 6


that's right. i have tried two part sorting and it doesn't work for me.
could it be a glitch or something related to the dbf file format?

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