Sorry, leading zeroes again :-((



I've tried all manner of formatting options but none seem to help my
particular problem. Custom 00000000 would be superb but when I format cells
to this, save the file and reopen it the format has switched to Greek ? Is
there a fix for this ?

What I need is an eight digit number in each cell in the column. This number
is made up of a date code such as 011106 for 1st November 2006 followed by 2
further digits to denote sequential production up to 99 entries per day so
the first entry for the above date would be 01110601. I then use a simple
=A1+1 in the cell below copied and pasted for all cells relevant to that date
giving me a column adding by one at each step. That works fine for dates
where the day is 10 or above but if it has a leading zero it falls over if
formatted as a number. If formatted as text the simple formula doesn't work.

I need to be able to save the excel file and use the data when merging to: a
sheet as a test report then to labels, then to a delivery note so you can see
why having all the data entered just once on my spreadsheet really helps (if
it works that is)


When I format some cells to 00000000, save it, and re-open it
It all works fine.

So, first what is the exact problem you get when you open the saved file?



If you type apostrophe first and then the number, eg '01110601 you can use
the black cross to fill the series right down. No formula required. Does
this solve your problem?


It looks the same but loses the leading zero when I try to merge it to a Word
document. If I then go check the custom format it has changed from 00000000
to a Greek symbol. I'm sure that a previous version of Excel I used had a
"leading zero" option in the format menu ? Am I losing my marbles here guys ?



If I format - custom - 00000000 and go out of the cell, then go back to it
and check the format has been retained it has changed from "Custom" to
"Special" "Greek" and shows AM with an odd symbol in between. It would be
so simple if the formatting stayed as I'd set it.

Any suggestions ? Is it worth trying to get an answer from a microsoft guru ?


Aha, looks like I've got it now, many thanks for that Rae !!!!

I've put the numbers in the first 2 cells, highlighted the range I want to
effect then gone edit, fill, series and it seens to work fine and to merge
with the word document.

Still seems odd that the cells won't retain the 00000000 custom formatting,
maybe a microsoft glitch (are we allowed to suggest that here ;-)))

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