Some menus don't work opening xls in IE 6.0



If I open a 2003 xls file in IE 6.0 some menus don't work, for example, Edit,
View, Data. They are not disabled, simply nothing drops down when clicked.

I have tracked down the problem to the Excel11.xlb file. If I remove it all
of the menus work. If I add it back, some stop working.

I have seen this on several machines and is fairly easy to reproduce. If
you customize your toolbars in Excel enough, then open a xls in IE some menus
won't work.

Is this a known issue with Microsoft and if so is there a fix/workaround?


Peter Huang


You may try to take a look at the link below.

The xlb file will control how to show the menu and toolbar. It seems that
the the excel11.xlb has something wrong. You may try to recreate the xlb
file via the link below.

Use custom toolbars from earlier Excel versions

Save more than one toolbar configuration

Best regards,

Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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It could be that the .xlb has something wrong; however, i have seen this with
quite a few different xlbs on different computers.

It seems to be that merging IE's toolbars, Excel's, and then custom
configuration is the problem.



Yes, I understand other .xlbs work as I had already pointed out if I removed
mine it would work because that creates a new one.

My point is does Microsoft know about this problem and is there a fix? I
have seen this on several computers so if the .xlb becomes damaged it is
through regular use of Excel.


Peter Huang


Based on my research, there is no known issue for the problem. So far it is
hard to say what is the problem.
As we discussed before, the xlb file is used to display the menu and
If the newly recreated xlb file will work, I think you may try to
customized the menu and toolbar one by one so that we will find that what
caused the problem.
If there is a reproduce steps, we will report the problem to our dev team
to see if this is a problem in our product and evaluate if we will provide
a workaround or fix.

So, can you try to post the steps to reproduce the problem, I will
appreciate your efforts.

Best regards,

Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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I don't have repro steps. I have seen it with several different xlbs which
were all different. Also, I have seen this happen with Word files as well
and Word's toolbars are in the registry. So it isn't specific to Excel, that
was just the easiest example I had.


Peter Huang


I have consulted our senior excel support engineer, so far we have not
found a known issue about the issue. The may be caused by the cusmized
toolbar or is an problem in our product. But without a reproduce steps it
is hard to guess which one cause the problem.

I also have tested with word on my machine which works fine.
So I think it may be caused by certain customized toolbar or menu in your
xlb file, it is important to have the reproduct steps about how to generate
the xlb file.
I will appreciate your efforts.

Best regards,

Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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