some images don't show after Refresh


Mary E.

Never had this problem before. I'm creating a very small
intranet site (not using a web server; just providing some
html pages on our network). To bullet each item, I'm
putting a small ball image next to each. I'd like to use
images instead of an unordered list so that I can change
the ball color when an item is new. But, when I add a new
item to the html, do the save, then return to IE to ball
images don't display. If I select one and right click for
Show Pictures, they all come back.

I can't pinpoint any one thing other than when I change
the items list that creates this problem, but once it
starts, even Refreshing without making a change causes the
same thing to happen. It doesn't happen to *all* of the
images on the page; just the little ball ones. And, since
I have ball images of 2 different colors, only the color
associated with the change doesn't display.

1) I've checked my default IE setting and it *is* set to
Show Pictures.
2) I've checked this on another PC; same problem.
3) The image is small. I've resized it.
4) I've tried both .gif and .jpg.
5) I've changed from an arrow image to a ball image.
6) I've moved the image from one folder to another.

I'm out of ideas. Can anyone provide a solution??

Mary E.

D. Allen H.

-----Original Message-----
Never had this problem before. I'm creating a very small
intranet site (not using a web server; just providing some
html pages on our network). To bullet each item, I'm
putting a small ball image next to each. I'd like to use
images instead of an unordered list so that I can change
the ball color when an item is new. But, when I add a new
item to the html, do the save, then return to IE to ball
images don't display. If I select one and right click for
Show Pictures, they all come back.

I can't pinpoint any one thing other than when I change
the items list that creates this problem, but once it
starts, even Refreshing without making a change causes the
same thing to happen. It doesn't happen to *all* of the
images on the page; just the little ball ones. And, since
I have ball images of 2 different colors, only the color
associated with the change doesn't display.

1) I've checked my default IE setting and it *is* set to
Show Pictures.
2) I've checked this on another PC; same problem.
3) The image is small. I've resized it.
4) I've tried both .gif and .jpg.
5) I've changed from an arrow image to a ball image.
6) I've moved the image from one folder to another.

I'm out of ideas. Can anyone provide a solution??

Mary E.

This is a problem I have experienced as well ever since
updating my IE 6.0 to sp1 on a Windows 2000 Pro laptop.

Microsoft addresses the problem in KB article 817177.;en-

They blame the problem on.... "This problem may occur if
you view a Web page that references an image that was
saved from Adobe Photoshop 7.0 on Macintosh OS 10."...
which is not the case. My site uses images I created and
saved with MS Image Composer v1.5. I even edited and
recreated the images with MS PhotoDraw v2.0 with the same
display issue. However, XP users of the site with IE6.0
sp1 do not have the display problem.

Microsoft list a hotfix available... but with support
costs associated.

Are you running Windows 2000 Pro?
Anyone else have any solutions?

D. Allen H.

Mary E.

Are you running Windows 2000 Pro?

Yes, I am.

Thanks for this info. I agree that that MSKB reason is
invalid as my images weren't made that way either. I used
PaintShop Pro saved right here on my Win2K PC.

If anyone has a solution, I'd love to hear it. Otherwise,
I'm just going to see how may complaints I get. If few,
I'll just leave it; if many, I'll just replace the images
with colored unordered list bullets.


Robert Aldwinckle

I can't pinpoint any one thing other than when I change
the items list that creates this problem, but once it
starts, even Refreshing without making a change causes the
same thing to happen.


Here is a repost of a reply I gave to another developer who
wanted to understand his Red-X symptoms better.
The main point I'm making is that you need to find ways
to re-render while avoiding Refresh.

However, if you suspect that the cache is the problem I would
clear the TIF or at least use Ctrl-F5 instead of a normal Refresh.


To add some more details about your symptom
tell us what happens if you set Work Offline (Alt-F,W)
and then try to clone the page (Ctrl-N). (If you get a prompt
about connecting that would mean that some of the page is
non-cacheable. Keep clicking on Stay Offline until the rendering
stops.) If the page itself is non-cacheable but the images are
cached set your cache checking option to Never and allow
the clone to connect. (Alt-T,O,Alt-S,N)

In the first case (cloned from cache) if you see a different pattern
of images that means that they must have been cached but not
rendered for some reason. Whenever this case happened to me
I set my cache checking option to Every visit... (Alt-T,O,Alt-S,E).
Although slower it seemed more reliable. Unfortunately there is now
a new related problem which apparently Every visit... may exacerbate.

<TITLE>818506 - Internet Explorer May Appear to Stop Responding When Requesting Many Objects</TITLE>

Also the type of images can make a difference:

<TITLE>817177 - Image Files Do Not Appear When You View a Web Page with Internet Explorer 6 SP1</TITLE>

You have to experiment for each different case and find workarounds
that fit them exactly. There is no one solution for fixing all problems
with image rendering in IE.

If you need more help a sample link might be useful.


Robert Aldwinckle

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