sockSvr: Java vs. csharp

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Java vs. Csharp I attempted to write a csharp version of sockSvr
(java). After months of research, I aborted the project. Csharp (and
..NET) does not have the equivalents of JDBC, beanshell (or other
scripting languages), requires significant more code than the Java
version, and can not run everywhere.

PS: sockSvr is an innovative, extensible, easy-to-use,
database-enabled, username-and-password-protected, multi-user,
multi-threaded application written in Java that can be used as secure
web servers or platforms to web-enable any Java applications, to build
distributed, client/server, ... applications. This industrial-strength
application is light-weight. As a proof of its power and robustness,
sockSvr has been used to power this web site since Feb 2002. As a
demonstration of its extensibility, sockSvr has been used to build the


Java vs. Csharp I attempted to write a csharp version of sockSvr
(java). After months of research, I aborted the project. Csharp (and
.NET) does not have the equivalents of JDBC,

Why don't you use .NET OdbcConnection class?
beanshell (or other scripting languages),

sicne when does a scripting language belong to java?
requires significant more code than the Java

I do not believe that.
version, and can not run everywhere.

That is true.

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