So leaky that a $4 billion industry was built to protect it



"It's much more profitable to slam Windows out with more leaky features than
ever, then charge your new victims for protection. Heck, since Protection's
your secondary racket, you can even afford to undercut your old partners by
50% or more."

Full article:

The ULTIMATE Windoze Fanboy:

A 3D Linux Desktop (video) ...

View Some Common Linux Desktops ...


I have used Linux in the past and found it 'wanting'. Not enough
software, no central authority for the average user to
reference, and a somewhat 'klunky' and 'jittery' interface. Must
say though that some websites run under Linux were quite well


Steve N.

Doug said:
I have used Linux in the past and found it 'wanting'. Not enough
software, no central authority for the average user to reference, and a
somewhat 'klunky' and 'jittery' interface. Must say though that some
websites run under Linux were quite well presented.


Try a modern distro on decent hardware. I use Suse 9.1 on a 1.8GHz
Athlon with 512MB and there is nothing klunky or jittery about it at
all. It takes quite a bit longer to boot up than XP but operations are
just as smooth as XP running on the same box.

Steve N.


Hi Steve...Will do later this summer. Actually, I used Linux
about four years ago so it has probably improved substantially.




Hi Steve...Will do later this summer. Actually, I used Linux
about four years ago so it has probably improved substantially.



Like night and day! Finally GNU/Linux is ready for the desktop. If your
experience with it is that old, you'll be blown away by the improvements in
software sophistication, ease of use, stability, driver support and
customability. Have fun!

The ULTIMATE Windoze Fanboy:

A 3D Linux Desktop (video) ...

View Some Common Linux Desktops ...

cquirke (MVP Windows shell/user)

"It's much more profitable to slam Windows out with more leaky features than
ever, then charge your new victims for protection. Heck, since Protection's
your secondary racket, you can even afford to undercut your old partners by
50% or more."

What a moronic article! (yes, I'll explain why I say that...)

The original malware that stimilated the av industry were viruses that
predated direct attacks on software per se. These infected existing
files or disks, and spread when these were distributed by users. When
users ran the files as designed, they ran the viral code, etc.

Yes, some really poor design decisions created huge new opportunities
to spread malware, such as by-design blurring of the data/code
distinction in various ways...
- hiding file name extensions
- multiple new code extensions e.g. for WSH scripts
- MS Office auto-running macros in "data documents"
- HTML email apps auto-running scripts in email "messages"
....but by this time, the av industry already existed, and could only
grow, as it did; the types of malware that exploited this unsafe
design still lent themselves to av detection and management.

Direct attacks on code defects started with another consequence of
poor design that weakened the code/data barrier; a failure to verify
that inline HTML content was really of the type claimed by the MIME
wrapper. This allowed clickless attack through email, as exploited
first by BadTrans.B and by hoards of malware since.

MS's failure to provide accurate, non-spoofable risk information (is
this a code file that will "run", or a data file safe to "view"?) and
lock the system down to the risk displayed, is ongoing... we see IMO
dumb design decisions such as allowing hidden info within the file to
determine how a file is "opened", even when this is at odds with the
type info showed by the (hidden by duhfault) file name extension, and
the (spoofable for the most dangerous file types) icon.

The very use of the mean-nothing word "open" is an indication that MS
has dumbed down the UI to the point that it is no longer possible for
newbies to practice "safe hex". Imagine if you were prevented from
seeing who knocked at your door before you opened it, or if airport
security no longer had metal detectors? Same problem.

OTOH, is *NIX any better there? AFAIK, *NIX disregards file name
extensions altogether, and routinely names raw code files without any
extension at all. How does a Linux user predict what "opening" an
unknown file will do, if no type info is displayed?

What's changed is that nowadays, malware attacks code defects rather
than simply exploiting poor user judgement or unsafe software design.
Code defects facilitated a new type of clickless attack that was so
fast, that even the most frequently-updated av became irrelevant. The
onslaughts of Slammer (SQL), Lovesan (RPC) and Sasser (LSASS) could go
global within an hour, and a mis-formed attack packet could crash the
PC before any malware code was present for av to detect.

I don't think this was beneficial for the av industry; it rubbed
ursers' noses in a truth we'd maintained all along, i.e. that simply
installing, updating and trusting an av was not enough to protect you.
But these clickless attacks couldn't be avoided by "safe hex" either;
thanks to an inappropriate "network client" design deployed throughout
consumerland via XP, defects were ditrectly exposed to the Internet as
part of the "networking" surface.

At this point, you might say the security industry was stimulated, but
at some cost to the traditional av industry, who had to think beyond
av scanning towards firewalls and other risk management.

Something else was causing the traditional av industry pain, too; the
advent of commercial malware, which initially was ignored by av
because it was "not a virus" - perhaps because this malware came from
fellow "real" software companies, or perhaps out of fear that
detecting and killing such malware would trigger litigation.

It was left for free software vendors such as AdAware and Spybot to
rise to the challenge of commercial malware, which they did - nowadays
traditional av vendors are playing catch-up, either by detecting and
managing such malware themselves, or forming alliances with anti-cm
(and often firewall) vendors to offer a "security suite".

By now, there is so much attention paid to detecting and exploiting
code defects, that any software with sufficient exposure (market
share, Internet-facing) has to race to patch defects before they are
exploited. The effect of this is to escalate costs for these software
vendors to unpredictable levels, in ways that cannot easily be
balanced by boosted revenue streams (patches for defects are rightly
expected to be provided free of charge).

The nature of these code defects is such that what determines mileage
is not so much this-or-that vendor or OS, but exposure - and it is
saluatory to look at how many exploitable defects are found across the
range of edge-facing software. If you do so, you will see that
Windows, Office, Linux, Winamp, Acrobat Reader, Firefox, Java and
MacOS are all driven to issue regular fixes for thier software, and
these days it is rare to find any edge-facing software that does not
have a facility to deliver updates, via "push" or at the very least by
hosting these for voluntary download.

Malware (especially commercial malware, both legal and illegal) has
become a dominant reality that is not a source of easy money for
software vendors, including the av industry. Yes, it's stimulated the
"security industry", but it also makes it increasingly difficult for
this industry to meet expectations. There's a real possibility that
what will happen is a loss of momentum in IT (especially for
consumers, who can take it or leave it) as users lose faith in
computing and Internet safety.

Specifically (apropos the article cited above) I'd say the impact of
malware on Microsoft is mainly negative. It significantly boosts the
cost of post-release development and support (remember, patches and
support calls related to malware are free) and provides the biggest
percieved reason to move away from Microsoft products to something
else - revitalizing Mozilla/Netscape/Firefox and stimulating interest
in alternative platforms such as Linux and MacOS. It's also stalled
development of new software functionalities and features, as resources
are diverted to fighting fires and patching holes.

---------- ----- ---- --- -- - - - -
Don't pay malware vendors - boycott Sony


What a moronic article! (yes, I'll explain why I say that...)
The very use of the mean-nothing word "open" is an indication that MS
has dumbed down the UI to the point that it is no longer possible for
newbies to practice "safe hex". Imagine if you were prevented from
seeing who knocked at your door before you opened it, or if airport
security no longer had metal detectors? Same problem.

OTOH, is *NIX any better there? AFAIK, *NIX disregards file name
extensions altogether, and routinely names raw code files without any
extension at all. How does a Linux user predict what "opening" an
unknown file will do, if no type info is displayed?
The file has to be marked as executable by the user. Opening any file,
including a so-called executable file will only "run" that program if the
file was first marked through its permissions as executable and who has
permission to execute it.

On top of this, unlike Windoze, *NIX is designed so that the kernel space
and the user space are totally separate. Some misbehaving application
running in the user space cannot impact or harm the kernel space in any
way. This is one of the main reasons that virus writers haven't been able
to create malware that can bring down a *NIX system, like they can with a
Windoze system where there is no separation between the kernel space and
the user space. Should a *NIX user decide to make a malware application
(virus, trojan, etc) executable and run same, it cannot impact the system
beyond the user's space. To do any real damage to the operating system as a
whole, the root user would need to run the application. This is highly
unlikely as *NIX users only run as root to do very specific tasks and only
those tasks so a virus or trojan stands little chance of running on its own
and bringing down a *NIX box.

Specifically (apropos the article cited above) I'd say the impact of
malware on Microsoft is mainly negative. It significantly boosts the
cost of post-release development and support (remember, patches and
support calls related to malware are free) and provides the biggest
percieved reason to move away from Microsoft products to something
else - revitalizing Mozilla/Netscape/Firefox and stimulating interest
in alternative platforms such as Linux and MacOS.
Precisely! As more and more computer users become fed up with having to
spend so much time trying to protect their systems from malware or fix
problems with malware that has slipped past their latest AV "protection",
the growing trend is to look towards more secure platforms, such as
GNU/Linux or Mac OSX. It is SO nice to be able to just work on ones
computer and not worry about the 100,000 plus viruses out there in the wild
ready to bring down ones system.
Don't pay malware vendors - boycott Sony

The ULTIMATE Windoze Fanboy:

A 3D Linux Desktop (video) ...

View Some Common Linux Desktops ...

cquirke (MVP Windows shell/user)

<snip> for brevity.
The file has to be marked as executable by the user. Opening any file,
including a so-called executable file will only "run" that program if the
file was first marked through its permissions as executable and who has
permission to execute it.

OK, now for the big question: Are those permissions settings clearly
and unambiguously visible to the user?

"Yes, if the user does X, Y and Z to query the permissions" is not a
satisfactory answer. A user should be able to predict the possible
impact that "opening" a file can have just by looking at the name and
icon, and the file should not be able to act contrary to the info
shown. It would also be better if the user could automatically think
in terms of "view" vs. "run", knowing that situations where it would
be safe to view data may be unsafe to run code.
On top of this, unlike Windoze, *NIX is designed so that the kernel space
and the user space are totally separate. Some misbehaving application
running in the user space cannot impact or harm the kernel space in any
way. This is one of the main reasons that virus writers haven't been able
to create malware that can bring down a *NIX system, like they can with a
Windoze system where there is no separation between the kernel space and
the user space.

Tell me more about the nature of this "separation"?
Should a *NIX user decide to make a malware application
(virus, trojan, etc) executable and run same, it cannot impact the system
beyond the user's space. To do any real damage to the operating system as a
whole, the root user would need to run the application.

Oh, OK; this is similar to the "limited user rights" concept. It's
not really a solution for the user's requirements, though I can see
how it can reduce software support calls, because users (and thus the
processes that run with their rights) invariably have the right to
alter (thus overwrite with trash) their own data.

*NIX is ahead there, because the *NIX software community has been
familiar with that concept for ages. MS can develop an elegant
implimentation of lowered user rights, but it's culturally seen as a
new-fangled retro-fit by app developers used to MS OSs.

Believe me, there's a LOT of discussion on this, typically going "Why
does dumb-ass game X or accounting application Y require the user to
have admin rights in order to run???" Contrary to popular belief,
vendors often ignore the dictates (OK, "strong recommendations") from
MS when it suits them, and often the platform is poorer for it...
- hardware "XP" device drivers that are STILL unsigned
- printers that don't work via PnP, only via their Setup.exe
- end-user apps that require admin rights
- apps that smash all actions for file types to their own "open"
Precisely! As more and more computer users become fed up with having to
spend so much time trying to protect their systems from malware or fix
problems with malware that has slipped past their latest AV "protection",
the growing trend is to look towards more secure platforms, such as
GNU/Linux or Mac OSX. It is SO nice to be able to just work on ones
computer and not worry about the 100,000 plus viruses out there in the wild
ready to bring down ones system.

Sure - but be realistic as to *why* these choices are currently "more
secure"; it is because they are still minority targets.

Very significant exploitable defects have been found in the examples I
mentioned, but rarely is there a prompt (or pre-existing) exploit ITW.
Even when an ITW exploiter appears, spreading is slower because
there's just less of that target around.

So I expect you'd see the see-saw effect, i.e. as market share tilts
from MS to (say) Linux, so will the attention of malware writers and
those who employ them.

OTOH, on a *NIX, you may have less drive-by vandalism etc. but you may
be up against human attackers with decades of *NIX experience. Sure,
it's great to have the power to edit the kernel, but do I want to pit
my skills against that lot, if I were acting as a sysadmin? In away,
I might rather have the alarm blown on each exploit opportunity by a
prompt rash of PoCs and bots ;-)

--------------- ----- ---- --- -- - - -
Never turn your back on an installer program


OK, now for the big question: Are those permissions settings clearly
and unambiguously visible to the user?
Of course. A long directory listing shows the permissions next to each file.
As an example:


The owner of the file can read and write to the file. Other users who are
members of the same group as the owner can read and write to the file. All
others can only read the file. (ie. can't overwrite or delete the file).
The file cannot be "executed" or "run".

Another example:


The owner can read and write and execute the file. Others belonging to the
same group can do the same. All other users can read the file or execute
the file. (ie. others can't delete the file)

"Yes, if the user does X, Y and Z to query the permissions" is not a
satisfactory answer. A user should be able to predict the possible
impact that "opening" a file can have just by looking at the name and
icon, and the file should not be able to act contrary to the info
shown. It would also be better if the user could automatically think
in terms of "view" vs. "run", knowing that situations where it would
be safe to view data may be unsafe to run code.
Data and code are different beasts. A data file cannot be executed, even if
one was going to set its permission as executable. :)
Tell me more about the nature of this "separation"?

The two run in different parts of memory. A buffer overflow in the user
space cannot impact that part of memory that the kernel runs in.
Oh, OK; this is similar to the "limited user rights" concept. It's
not really a solution for the user's requirements, though I can see
how it can reduce software support calls, because users (and thus the
processes that run with their rights) invariably have the right to
alter (thus overwrite with trash) their own data.
Not so with *NIX as every process is controlled by an appropriate user. So
for example, say you are running a web server on *NIX. The user "apache"
becomes the user on the system that responds to requests and sends them out
to a client. The user "apache" has no rights to overwrite files in the /etc
directory where pretty much most of the system's configurations files lay.
No matter what scripts might be thrown at the web browser, they can't
impact these config files because they are running as a user without
permission to write or execute files outside of it's designated directories
that it owns. Windoze on the other hand doesn't have this kind of security.
Scripkiddies can send a request the web server and that web server can get
into areas of the system and do damage. Happens all the time.

The same thing applies if you are a user. You have rights to your home
directory. But you can't go into the /etc directory and delete or alter
files there. So even if your space gets a virus, that virus can only do
damage within your space and cannot get access to the important system
files that could bring down the o/s. Windoze on the other hand ... any user
can write/delete almost anything on the system. Any software when installed
can write to anywhere in the registry.

*NIX is ahead there, because the *NIX software community has been
familiar with that concept for ages.

*NIX was designed from the ground up as a server/client operating system and
a multiuser operating system. Windoze is not.
MS can develop an elegant
implimentation of lowered user rights, but it's culturally seen as a
new-fangled retro-fit by app developers used to MS OSs.

Believe me, there's a LOT of discussion on this, typically going "Why
does dumb-ass game X or accounting application Y require the user to
have admin rights in order to run???" Contrary to popular belief,
vendors often ignore the dictates (OK, "strong recommendations") from
MS when it suits them, and often the platform is poorer for it...
- hardware "XP" device drivers that are STILL unsigned
- printers that don't work via PnP, only via their Setup.exe
- end-user apps that require admin rights
- apps that smash all actions for file types to their own "open"

Windoze by default sets up new users as having admin rights when first
installed. This is crazy, and contributes to the major insecurity of a
Windoze box. An admin with windows has to specifically go out of his/her
way to secure the box and try and keep ordinary users away from sensitive
o/s files. Even then, a virus can do extreme damage to the point of
breaking the o/s. Can't happen on a Linux system.
Sure - but be realistic as to *why* these choices are currently "more
secure"; it is because they are still minority targets.
That's just so much Microsoft FUD. Windoze is targeted because of its
inherent insecurity, not because of market share. Linux isn't targeted
because the damage a virus can cause on a Linux box is restricted to the
user's space who contracted the virus. No damage to the o/s itself.
Very significant exploitable defects have been found in the examples I
mentioned, but rarely is there a prompt (or pre-existing) exploit ITW.
Even when an ITW exploiter appears, spreading is slower because
there's just less of that target around.
A great target would be any server connected to the Internet - web server,
mail server, etc. The majority of the Internet is now driven on Linux/*NIX
servers. The targets are clearly there and the ports are open. Think about
why the Internet isn't being successfully attacked constantly.
So I expect you'd see the see-saw effect, i.e. as market share tilts
from MS to (say) Linux, so will the attention of malware writers and
those who employ them.

OTOH, on a *NIX, you may have less drive-by vandalism etc. but you may
be up against human attackers with decades of *NIX experience. Sure,
it's great to have the power to edit the kernel, but do I want to pit
my skills against that lot, if I were acting as a sysadmin? In away,
I might rather have the alarm blown on each exploit opportunity by a
prompt rash of PoCs and bots ;-)

Never turn your back on an installer program

The ULTIMATE Windoze Fanboy:

A 3D Linux Desktop (video) ...

View Some Common Linux Desktops ...

cquirke (MVP Windows shell/user)

<similar ping-pong attributions snipped>

Sorry about the bulky quotage for context...
Of course. A long directory listing shows the permissions next to each file.

And a "short" listing shows what? Bearing in mind that often the user
will be presented with files to "open" outside the CLI context - so
info should be embedded within every UI representation of the file.
The owner of the file can read and write to the file.
The file cannot be "executed" or "run".

The owner can read and write and execute the file.

I don't think that answers the Q at all. Consider this state chart:

File type vs. permissions: Exec NoExec
Data file A B
Code file C D

In the above, only case C should run as code, but if I see masses of
case A all the time, I may ASSume a file is harmlessly marked as
"executable permissions" if I am expecting it to be a data file,
unless I can see (through the UI) that it is in fact a code file.

UI'ing permissions alone (and preferably less cryptically than
"-rwxrwxr-x") is only "enough" if case A never exists.
Data and code are different beasts. A data file cannot be executed, even if
one was going to set its permission as executable. :)

That has been contested. It's true that all content is interpreted
("run") by something, whether it be...
- the user's brain (e.g. phishing textual SE)
- a data interpreter, e.g. Notepad
- a richer data interpreter, e.g. Wordpad
- a runtime script interpreter, e.g. MS Word, WSH, etc.
- a compile-time source interpreter
- a code emulator, e.g. to run ZX Spectrum games on a PC
- hardware CPU interpretation as native code
- other hardware interpreters
....but IMO a distinction should be maintained in the interests of
"safe hex", and vigorously enforced by a sensible OS. Because the
line can be crossed through exploits of code defect (so that e.g. a
by-design "data" type like .JPG can become a raw code menace thanks to
a defect in GDIPlus.dll), one also needs tight type discipline.

We are familiar with that in the context of programming and
strongly-typed variables. Because disasterously insane results can
follow a type error, strongly-typed programming languages will refuse
to compile unless all type references are unambiguous and all variable
names are pre-defined as being of a particular type.

We need the same discipline with file types. A file that is
internally one type, but is visibly UI'd as if it were another, should
NOT be handled as an "honest mistake" that should be glossed over by
the OS by helpfully handling as the internal (hidden) type.

The two run in different parts of memory. A buffer overflow in the user
space cannot impact that part of memory that the kernel runs in.

I've been hearing those sort of assurances since Win3.yuk; it's always
"...and because each process resides in its own memory allocation, an
application crash can't bring down the whole PC !" with every new
release on Windows then, and ever since. And yet I regularly see
pure-software hard lockups of every version of Windows, plus every
Linux I have tried (e.g. BitDefender Live CDR)

It helps if the processor is in a position to enforce this at the
hardware level, either via the new NoeXecute feature, or rings of
protection levels and exception handling, or separation of data from
code segments (going backwards, historically).

I suspect OOP has undermined the last, by mixing code and data on a
per-object basis in contrast to the DOS-era practice of storing data
and code in separate memory segments.
Not so with *NIX as every process is controlled by an appropriate user. So
for example, say you are running a web server on *NIX. The user "apache"
becomes the user on the system that responds to requests and sends them out
to a client. The user "apache" has no rights to overwrite files in the /etc
directory where pretty much most of the system's configurations files lay.
No matter what scripts might be thrown at the web browser, they can't
impact these config files because they are running as a user without
permission to write or execute files outside of it's designated directories
that it owns. Windoze on the other hand doesn't have this kind of security.

Well, let's take a typical (Windows) example, and you can tell me how
*NIX would improve matters. A limited-rights user logs in and has
access only to that user's data files, nothing else. The user runs a
"bad" program, which then uses the user's rights to trash the user's
data. No problem for IT vendor support as there's no "damage" for
which they are responsible (i.e. they don't have to intervene to get
Windows running again) but irreplaceable data is lost.

That's why I do not see "user rights" as the answer - no matter how
limited these rights, and bad code that gets to run with those rights
can do material damage. The only answer is to make it less likely
that bad code will get to run, by ensuring that:
- system doesn't run code ahead of the user's intent
- user can assess the risk level of content before running it
Scripkiddies can send a request the web server and that web server can get
into areas of the system and do damage. Happens all the time.

That's often the difference between intended and actual behaviour. As
I understand it, *NIX hard-links this to an actual path heirarchy,
whereas the NT security model binds these permissions onto content
across directory tree - the latter being more flexible, but harder to
really know what is likely to happen just by looking at paths.

If either mechanism is set up "properly", chances are both will work
unless there are code defects that allow the attacker to drill right
through the whole sandcastle. But, etc.
The same thing applies if you are a user. You have rights to your home
directory. But you can't go into the /etc directory and delete or alter
files there. So even if your space gets a virus, that virus can only do
damage within your space

Thanks, but I don't want viruses to do damage "only" within my space.

I'm sure Lufthansa would be very happy if an attacker shot me on one
of their airplanes, and no damage was incurred outside the confines of
my body, thus protecting their resources.

It doesn't work for me, tho. Next!
*NIX was designed from the ground up as a server/client operating system and
a multiuser operating system. Windoze is not.

As I recall, communication was always a strong focus with *NIX, as was
multitasking and multiple users. As you say, "Windows" wasn't, but
OTOH NT did concern itself with "security" from early in its life, if
not from the very outset.

The problem is that "security" is no substitute for "safety" - in
fact, consumers may have been better off with unsecured Win9x when it
comes to safety, because a standalone OS doesn't have wads of
edge-facing network surfaces waved at the 'net.

Hence zero Lovesan/Blaster exposure, zero Sasser exposure, etc.
Windoze by default sets up new users as having admin rights when first
installed. This is crazy, and contributes to the major insecurity of a
Windoze box.

Not as much as you'd expect, for reasons mentioned above (lowered
rights do zero to protect user data, because all users have the right
to edit their own data). If Windows changed that tomorrow, so that
all new accounts were limited rights (leaving just the one built-in
admin account that always has the same predictable name, hmm), the
users would have to escalate those rights to run the majority of
today's games and apps. The OS *exists* to run those, remember...
An admin with windows has to specifically go out of his/her
way to secure the box and try and keep ordinary users away
from sensitive o/s files. Even then, a virus can do extreme
damage to the point of breaking the o/s.

Well, the focus would be in the wrong place for the consumer market,
where we do NOT consider the user to be "the enemy". The idea is to
empower the user to have full control, and keep anything that is not
run by choice of the user from doing anything whatsoever.
Can't happen on a Linux system.

Assertion != proof... yes, you can tell me what the design intention
is, but I'd have to remain sceptical that the reality is effectively
confined by that intention.
That's just so much Microsoft FUD. Windoze is targeted because of its
inherent insecurity, not because of market share.

Another assertion that I don't think is provable. Even if someone
identified and canvassed the top 10 000 malware vendors, would you
believe the answers you got back?

Not only is Linux a smaller target than, say, Windows XP, Windows 98,
Acrobat Reader for Windows, WinZip for Windows, etc. its market share
is further fragmented by all the different dialects (distros).
A great target would be any server connected to the Internet - web server,
mail server, etc. The majority of the Internet is now driven on Linux/*NIX
servers. The targets are clearly there and the ports are open. Think about
why the Internet isn't being successfully attacked constantly.

It's not necessary to attack servers directly, when consumers have
graduated from slow and sporadic dial-up to always-on broadband.
Servers are likely to be better secured, regardless of OS, simply
because they will usually be professionally staffed.

Instead, attacks are made on consumer boxen, either as the primary
target (e.g. phishing for credit card numbers) or to recruit them as
zombie cats-paws to hammer servers (e.g. DDoS attacks).

"Haven't you heard?? Don't-cha watch-a TV??" [Buckaroo Banzai]


---------- ----- ---- --- -- - - - -
Don't pay malware vendors - boycott Sony

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