Slow to clear documents



Hey all, I'm using XP SP2 with all the latest updates. Here is th
problem I am having, and have had for a long time:
I use the classic start menu, and everytime I go to clear documents i
takes a long time. When I click Clear, there is usually a 5-10 secon
delay (no HD crunching). Then I click OK to close the "Customiz
Classic Start Menu", and that takes a good 5+ seconds to close.
Lastly, when I click OK to close the Taskbar Properties it take
another 5+ seconds.

Is this common? I have notice this occuring on my system, even afte
multiple hardware changes and reformats. Here are my specs:
Intel P4 Prescott 3.4Ghz, 2GB DDR RAM, 256MB GeForce 7800GS, SATA HD.

Everything else runs great, no delays or hiccups. Any advice would b


Forget to ask one more question: is there a quicker way to clea
documents besides going through the above method


you could always set it not to display recent documents at all?

right click task bar -->properties--> start
menu-->customize-->advanced-->untick the recent docs?

or you could create a shortcut to where this recent documents folder is and
just go in there an d delete them when you want

c:\documents and settings\user name\my recent documents (hidden files and
folders will have to be enabled to see this folder)

PS- clearing these is very slow on any PC I've ever used too!

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