Slow loading time. Extension 3.5



I have been experimenting with VWD Express Extension 3.5 and noticed
that quite often it takes up to 1..2 min to load external js or css
files. This occurs often after rebuilding the site. The problem seems
to be linked to retrieving small ( approx 200 bytes) graphics files,
as evidenced in Firefox' Firebug tracing graphics.

Currently, the script manager is included in the master page, the
external js file in the header section, and the page theme referenced
in the config file. Is this the right approach or does Ext 3.5 have
some bugs? With ASP.NET 2.0 load-up time was satisfactory. I tried
deleting the external js file to no avail. How can I speed up loading

TIA for sharing any thoughts.

Cowboy \(Gregory A. Beamer\)

Are you just dealing with initial load time? If so, you may or may not be
able to alleviate the situation and should attempt to run the JITTer when
you deploy through the precompile.axd file. More and more of the code is
being compiled when you compile a web project.

Could there be a bug in 3.5 Extensions? Certainly. It is still in beta. I
would log your findings, along with code, and a step by step description of
what you did. The place to log is one Connect. You can also get to the team
via the forums on

In addition, if you want someone to figure out what is wrong with your code,
or if it is a bug, you should post code here, as well. The more info, the
easier it is for other people to help you.

Gregory A. Beamer

| Think outside the box!


Gregory, thanks for your feedback. I'll follow your suggestions and
post my findings in the fori you specified. Meanwhile, here is a small
snippet taken from the master page (aside from the ScriptManager tag,
this is identical to the ASP.NET 2.0 script which works fine):

<script type="text/javascript" src="/AndersShop/Includes/
<title id="PageTitle" runat="server"></title>

<body >
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server"
EnablePartialRendering="true" EnableStateHash="False"
OnNavigate="ScriptManager1_Navigate" />
<div id="page" >

The config includes the css theme reference:

<pages styleSheetTheme="Theme1">


Has anyone else been having this.
Everything was going fine - VS2005 asp net2.
Last night I installed 3.5 because I wanted to use the TimeZoneInfo class.
Added a reference to System.Core.
Went and added TimeZoneInfo classes all over the place.
Straight away load times went up to from < 1 sec to > 20 sec.
Can't remember doing anything else that could have an impact.
Removed the references and classes - still long load times...

I might uninstall 3,5 and see what happens there.

Any ideas much appreciated,
Cheers, Mike.

S Kumar

Application initial load is extremely slow. I am not sure if this is to do with something running on the machine. It was fine earlier today after I recompiled. It is definitely flaky... Kind of scares me because we have invested enough into 3.5 upgrade.

Some of the things I am planning is run a
1) aspnet_compiler.exe before we start browsing the site..
2) use the MSbuild with other options (do not know what as of now -:))

Any one able to find any solution on this?


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