Slipstreaming Pathces into the installation of Window 2003


Rajesh Kumar

Just as we can integrate/slipstream service packs into the
source installation (\i386) of Windows 2000/2003, can we
integrate any single patch into i386.

My purpose is, if we could integrate MS03-39 Patch for the
Blaster worm into the installation of Windows 2003, any
system installed using this installation would
automatically get patched as soon as it gets installed, or
in other words, it wouldn't have this security hole in the
first place.

In my network these worms are still active, so as soon as
I install any windows 2003 system and bring it online, it
gets infected. I have to manually install the patch before
getting it online. If somehow I can integrate this patch
into the installation source, the infection would not be

I know how to integrate Service Packs into Windows 2000/XP
installation, but never heard of integrating
single/multiple patches into the source installation.

This site gives lot of information but doesn't talk about
integrating patches.

Any insights...???



Jaysen Buffington[MSFT]

Hi Rajesh,

Please review the Combination Installation section of the following web
Jaysen Buffington MCSE
Support Professional
Microsoft Setup Support

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