Show drive letter before label



In last version of XP Powertoys, the Tweak UI confguration tool allows to
customize My Computer settings in order to display drive letters before
labels in Windows Explorer. This can be useful, for example, when connected
to a network drive, where the label is often very long (describing the share
name) and it's difficult to see the drive letter associated. Does anyone know
if it's possible to make this customization also without installing
Powertoys, that is, if exists a registry key o another setting that can be
customized directly without using Tweak UI?


John Wunderlich

In last version of XP Powertoys, the Tweak UI confguration tool
allows to customize My Computer settings in order to display drive
letters before labels in Windows Explorer. This can be useful, for
example, when connected to a network drive, where the label is
often very long (describing the share name) and it's difficult to
see the drive letter associated. Does anyone know if it's possible
to make this customization also without installing Powertoys, that
is, if exists a registry key o another setting that can be
customized directly without using Tweak UI?


What you're looking for may be found at the end of this article:

"The computer description appears before the computer name in Windows XP"

---- Exerpt ----
Key: ShowDriveLettersFirst
Value: 1,2, or 4
If the value is 1, the drive letter is displayed first for remote drives.
If the value is 2, drive letters are not displayed.
If the value is 4, the drive letter is displayed first for all drives.


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