shareing Outlook calendar



My manager would like to be able to share his calendar with his secretary.
I have seen where it is possible to do this if you have a POP3 mail server.
We use an inhouse IMAP mail server. Outlook won't let me share his calendar.
Is there a workaround for this?


correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't outlook calendar sharing only work in an
exchange server environment?



I currently use Microsoft Outlook Web Access on my MAC iBook G4.
I can check my work email fine.
The problem is with the Calendar.
I can see MY Calendar fine but I need to also see somebody else's Calendar.
I can do this fine from my PC at work but not on my MAC.
The other person has allowed me to share his calendar, I need to see and
edit his calendar from my MAC, the same way I do at work on the PC.
Please assist.

I tried downloading 'OfficeCalendar free trial account' but it's not opening.
(Note: cannot open .exe downloads on a MAC)

I also tried using Explorer on a PC to use Microsoft Outlook Web Access.
(I read that Microsoft Outlook Web Access works better using Explorer on a PC)
This also did NOT work, I still couldn't see any shared Calendar, only my own.
Is it impossible to share Calendar unless using my PC at work?
That's so strange because I can view other person's Contacts but not Calendar.

Please advise me on my options or where I can get help to solve my issue.
Currently I use Microsoft Office Outlook Web Access - Provided by Microsoft
Exchange Server 2003.
Please confirm if Outlook calendar sharing only works in an exchange server
my email: (e-mail address removed)

Thank you

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