Setting View and Zoom Globaly


Bill Evans

Is there a way to set every worksheet in a workbook to the same view and
zoom settings?

I have a workbook with 13 worksheets, one for each month of the year and one
for the annual totals. When I make a change to one month's zoom level to
see whatever columns it is I'm interested in, it's always troublesome to get
a second or third or whatever number of other months set to that same view
so I can easily compare them when I toggle back and forth.

bill evans
(e-mail address removed)
Hartselle, AL

Freeman Dyson: "It's best not to limit our thinking. We can always
air-condition the Earth."


Hi Bill

Sub Same_Zoom()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
Dim ws As Worksheet, i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim k As Integer, ws1 As Worksheet
Set ws1 = ActiveSheet
i = ActiveWindow.Zoom
j = ActiveWindow.ScrollRow
k = ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn
For Each ws In Worksheets
ActiveWindow.Zoom = i
ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = j
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = k
Next ws
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub



(e-mail address removed)

| Is there a way to set every worksheet in a workbook to the same view and
| zoom settings?
| I have a workbook with 13 worksheets, one for each month of the year and
| for the annual totals. When I make a change to one month's zoom level to
| see whatever columns it is I'm interested in, it's always troublesome to
| a second or third or whatever number of other months set to that same view
| so I can easily compare them when I toggle back and forth.
| --
| bill evans
| (e-mail address removed)
| Hartselle, AL
| Freeman Dyson: "It's best not to limit our thinking. We can always
| air-condition the Earth."

Andy Brown

If you'd rather not use code, this may work for you.

You can group all the sheets. Click the tab of the first sheet, then click
the tab of the last sheet *while holding down Shift*. Adjust the zoom.
Rightclick the first sheet tab and "Ungroup" (NB: you don't *have* to
ungroup, but be aware that a change in a grouped sheet affects *all* grouped

Another option might be to set up a Custom View (View menu).

Also, if you have a wheel-mouse you may be able to shortcut zoom-setting
using the wheel ; mine works on +/-15% per click.


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