Setting focus from switchboard when user select add mode



Please help. I have a switchboard and a form. The form calls the recordset
values that match VendorID from the table; based on a combobox. However,
when I want to enter a new item, in this case Vendor, the code does not seem
to find the .eof statement and add a new ID or allow adding a new Vendor. I
have been directed to pursue a solution using the switchboard feature,
add/edit. However, the form code sets focus on the combo box and to add a
new item would require setting focus on a text box, txtVendor, as well as
going to eof and creating a new VendorID. I do not have the knowledge nor
can I see where to add the code. If someone could help me, I would be very
grateful. Thank you in advance


Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub

Private Sub cboVendorID_AfterUpdate()
Dim objVendor As Vendor

If Not IsNull(Me!cboVendorID) Then
' Enable the edit controls,
' and disable the Save button.
Call EnableControls(Enable:=True)
Call EnableSave(Enable:=False)

Set objVendor = New Vendor
' Set the new Vendor ID property, so you can
' use the Load method.
objVendor.ID = Me!cboVendorID
If objVendor.Load() Then
' Display the loaded fields on the form,
' and then select the Vendor field.
Call ScatterFields(objVendor)
End If
End If
End Sub

Public Function Load() As Boolean
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset

On Error GoTo HandleErrors

Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
rst.Open "Select * from tblVendor WHERE VendorID = " & Me.ID, _
With rst
If Not .EOF Then
mstrVendor = !Vendor
mstrPOC = !POC
mstrPhone = !Phone
mstrFax = !Fax
mstrAddress = !Address
mstrCity = !City
mstrZip = !Zip
mstrRemarks = !Remarks
mlngStateID = !StateID
mlngVendorID = !VendorID

End If
End With
Load = True

If Not rst Is Nothing Then rst.Close
Set rst = Nothing
Exit Function

Load = False
Resume ExitHere
End Function

Public Function Save() As Boolean
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset

On Error GoTo HandleErrors

Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
rst.Open "Select * from tblVendor WHERE VendorID = " & Me.ID, _
Application.CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset, _

With rst
If .EOF Then
' Set the ID property for this new Vendor.
Me.ID = !VendorID
End If
!Vendor = mstrVendor
!POC = mstrPOC
!Phone = mstrPhone
!Fax = mstrFax
!Address = mstrAddress
!City = mstrCity
!Zip = mstrZip
!Remarks = mstrRemarks
!StateID = mlngStateID
End With
Save = True

If Not rst Is Nothing Then rst.Close
Set rst = Nothing
Exit Function

Save = False
Resume ExitHere
End Function

There is much more code, should I post it all? I have no evidence that the
code ever reaches this last section.


hi again,
guessing but
in the function load(), what happen if it does not find a
vendor and is EOF? seems like that is where you should
have and else. something if EOF and somthing else if not
EOF I think that would be where i would try to set focus
on the vendor text box.


This code has been modified from one of the access developer books. In the
original form, as with this form's combo box, it is seeking a numerical
value. However, when it does not find the value, I do not believe the code
ever gets to the "public function save as boolean" where the following code
is listed:
If .EOF Then
' Set the ID property for this new Vendor.
Me.ID = !VendorID
End If

My supervisor does not want the users to be able to select the ID numbers,
so they are hidden.

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