Set dialog File-Open to Details view


F.H. van Zelm

I posted this one before ... Hope it's not to stupid what I asked, because
there was no reaction at all.
And if this is the third edition of the mail: accept my apologies. To me, it
looks that #1 and #2 were considered o be replies to my own question.


Hi there,

PowerPoint (2003) File-Open defaults to Preview view.

I prever File-Open in Details view or even better, in my latest used view.

I am very sure that there is a registry setting to do the trick ... because
I used it on PPt XP on my previous laptop.
Only, stupid me (shame, shame, triple shame), I have forgotten what, where,

Mvg, Frans

Michael Koerner

Your original question was answered. You need to give some time between
requests and responses. People who visit here do so on a voluntary basis.

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Michael Koerner [MS PPT MVP]

|I posted this one before ... Hope it's not to stupid what I asked, because
| there was no reaction at all.
| And if this is the third edition of the mail: accept my apologies. To me,
| looks that #1 and #2 were considered o be replies to my own question.
| ====================================================
| Hi there,
| PowerPoint (2003) File-Open defaults to Preview view.
| I prever File-Open in Details view or even better, in my latest used view.
| I am very sure that there is a registry setting to do the trick ...
| I used it on PPt XP on my previous laptop.
| Only, stupid me (shame, shame, triple shame), I have forgotten what,
| ...
| Mvg, Frans

Bill Dilworth

I don't know of a registry way to change the default open view in PowerPoint
from thumbnails to details.

It might be able to be done by using a macro like this:
Sub OpenMyWay()
Dim dlgOpen As FileDialog
Set dlgOpen = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)
With dlgOpen
.InitialView = msoFileDialogViewDetails
.Title = "Open Presentation -- MyWay"
.Filters.Add "Presentations", "*.ppt; *.pps"
End With
If dlgOpen.SelectedItems.Count > 0 Then dlgOpen.Execute

End Sub

Bill Dilworth
A proud member of the Microsoft PPT MVP Team
Users helping fellow users.
yahoo2@ Please read the PowerPoint FAQ pages.
yahoo. They answer most of our questions.

F.H. van Zelm

Hi Micheal,

You are right and so am I because my first post was on 01-21-2006. Then,
there were no reactions. My second
attempt indeed became a mess.

F.H. van Zelm

Hi Bill,

Thanks for your code. But ... I remember that someone, somewhere on Internet
published an instant solution. He commented on this stupid change in the
dialog after an upgrade to PPt 97 or 2K from an older version (with proper

His trick works on my old laptop in PPt XP. My I send a part of my registry
analysis. Perhaps you can find the needed setting. I am sure many PPt-users
would love to know.

Regards, Frans

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