Services and cisvc.exe CPU Usage



I have a problem on a XPPro system. Probably a worm but
can not ID.

Services is running at 100% CPU whenever pc is connected
to internet (DSL). Disconnect for internet and problem
clears up. While connected if I kill the CISVC the CPU
drops back to normal.

Virus scan runs clean.

Ad-Ware did not correct problem.

Only one instance of CISVC running. If I kill it, it will
start back up in about 15 minutes with the same problem.

Any ideas? Thanks.

Wesley VogelX

cisvc.exe = directcd - directcd.exe Process File: directcd or directcd.exe
Process Name: Adaptec DirectCD
Description: Adaptec DirectCD is used to write/read files to/from DirectCD
formatted CDs directly using the Windows Filemanager

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