serious error



After turning my XP PRO laptop on (it was on standby), i got the message that the system recovered from a serious error
BCCode 4e BCPI:0000009
BCP2: 00000
BCP3: 00000
BCP4: 00000
OSVer: 5_1_260
SP: 1_
Product: 256_
Everything works normal now.
That happend once before about 2 months ag

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


Possibly ram is flawed or failing. But it may be minor if does not repeat
itself. If you want to check the memory, there are free programs here:

But keep in kind that a thorough test can only be done with test equipment
at a computer shop. Software tests are not perfect in diagnosing these
issues. At the price of memory today, you may find that the test costs more
than a replacement stick.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

Ulli said:
After turning my XP PRO laptop on (it was on standby), i got the message
that the system recovered from a serious error.

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