Serious Batch Build Bug!!

  • Thread starter GoogleNewsReaderMan
  • Start date


If I rebuild all my projects (for each configuration: debug & release)
using batch build, the WRONG referrenced DLLs are copied into the bin
folder for the main project.

If I do a batch build, I expect the RELEASE versions of my referenced
projects to be in the RELEASE bin folder of my main project, however,
if the configuration dropdown in my toolbar says DEBUG, then the DEBUG
versions will be copied to the RELEASE bin folder.

Likewise, if RELEASE is selected in the dropdown, the RELEASE versions
of the reference DLLs are put into the DEBUG bin folder.

This is a very serious problem. Am I doing something else wrong?

Is this a known bug?


Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]

Can you zip up a solution which the rest of us can use to confirm this?


Unfortunately, I can't attach anything. However, I really appreciate
your help.
If you currently have a solution with a windows app and at least one
other class library project, you can easily test this with your own
Just put something like what I typed below into a class defined in a
supporting class library and call it from your windows app and show in
a message box. (Try simply running the debug config, then run the
release config. Then set the config to whichever and do a batch buld
and rebuild all -- then go directly to the output folders and run the
windows app from there. You will see that the supporting DLLs will all
be based on the dropdown.)
I'd really appreciate hearing what you find. Thanks!!!

public static string GetVersion()
return "Debug";
return "Release";


No takers??!!

Okay... let me make it even easier for those at home to see this

You should be able to do this with any solution that has multiple

Start by "cleaning" --- select batch build and select all and click
Now, from the configuration dropdown, select either debug or release.
Then do a batch build, but select all projects with the opposite of the
dropdown selection. (i.e. if you picked debug from the dropdown, in
batch build, select all release projects). Do a rebuild from this

You should see errors as the build tries to use the wrong DLLs -- and
you'll probably end up with nothing in the bin folder.

Try it, please.

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